
  • Constantine;Konstantin;John Constantine
  1. 应该是康斯坦丁打来了,他等的不耐烦了吧。

    It must be Constantine . He 's gonna be upset .

  2. 康斯坦丁的长方形廊柱大厅是古罗马广场给人留下最深刻印象的建筑。

    The Basilica of Constantine is the most impressive structure at the Forum .

  3. 但即使是他也无法做到康斯坦丁?布朗库西(ConstantinBrancusi)那样的壮举。布朗库西是一位雕塑家,从罗马尼亚的农村老家到巴黎这一路,他几乎都是走着去的。

    But even he couldn 't match the feat of someone like Constantin Brancusi , the sculptor who walked much of the way between his home village in Romania and Paris .

  4. 在希腊塞萨洛尼基举行的一个纪念亚里士多德诞生2400周年的会议上,考古学家康斯坦丁罗斯·塞斯曼尼迪斯(KonstantinosSismanidis)发言说,“虽然没有证据,但有极为明显的迹象”来支持他的说法。

    In an address at a conference in Thessaloniki , Greece , commemorating the 2400th anniversary of Aristotle 's birth , the archaeologist , Konstantinos Sismanidis , said he had " no proof but strong indications , as certain as one can be , " to support his claim .

  5. 在那些年里,康斯坦丁大帝组建了尼西亚理事会。

    In that year , the Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine .

  6. 康斯坦丁就是这样的一个崇拜者。

    Konstantin Shepin is one such admirer .

  7. 对康斯坦丁来说,乡村是生活的地方,是欢乐、痛苦和劳动的地方;

    To Constantine the country seemed a good place because it was the scene of unquestionably useful labour ;

  8. 据说,康斯坦丁曾一度一旦俘获素食基督徒就将溶铅倒入他们的喉管。

    It is said that Constantine used to pour molten lead down the their throats if they were captured .

  9. 经过近十载的调查研究,美国社会心理学家康斯坦丁•塞迪基德斯发现,乡愁是人性的一部分。

    After a decade of surveys and research , Constantine Sedikides , a US social psychologist , found thatnostalgia is what makes us human .

  10. 今年已经62岁的普京在圣彼得堡市市郊的康斯坦丁宫与吉尔吉斯斯坦总统会晤,这是普京自3月5日后的首次露面。

    The 62-year-old leader met the president of Kyrgyzstan at a lavish Tsarist-era palace outside St Petersburg in his first appearance since March 5 .

  11. 美世集团的总裁娜萨莉康斯坦丁-梅特拉尔在一份声明中说:在所有入榜的澳大利亚城市中,租房需求也大大提高了。

    " Demand for rental properties has also increased significantly in all the Australian cities we rank ," Mercer principal Nathalie Constantin-Metral said in a statement .

  12. 素食主义者必须容忍的偶尔的粗暴对待和社会的不赞成,这种不便相对康斯坦丁对待素食主义者的方式而言确实是小得多了。

    The occasional rudeness and social disapproval a vegetarian must tolerate is a pretty small inconvenience in comparison to Constantine 's way of dealing with vegetarians .

  13. 之后他与康斯坦丁的寡妇(当时的皇后)结婚并成为了新的沙皇,这一举动巩固了“卷心菜”(伊瓦伊洛)显然很有胆量的事实。

    In a move that forever solidified the fact that cabbages apparently come equipped with enormous balls , he then married Constantine 's widow to become the new Tsar .

  14. 这是康斯坦丁的案子是两个案子因为有两个叫康斯坦丁的案子所以我都带来了以防万一

    Uh , and here 's the Constantine 's case . Oh , cases . There were two different Constantines , so I brought them both just to be safe .

  15. 另一个鲜为人知的事实是,康斯坦丁大帝在大会上其实没有投票权,因为他只是旁观者。

    Another little known fact is the Emperor Constantine had no voting power at the council-he was there merely as an observer . [ Canons of the Council of Nicaea ]

  16. 公元325年第一次普世大会在尼西亚召开时,康斯坦丁大帝并没有规定出新教的教规&事实上,大会甚至没有提及圣经的教规。

    The Emperor Constantine did not define the canon of the New Testament at the first Council of Nicaea in325AD-in fact , the Council did not even make mention of the Biblical canon .

  17. 欧洲管理和技术领导发展研究中心主任康斯坦丁表示,当然,和你的老板关系铁没有什么错,至少短期看来是这样。

    Of course , there is nothing wrong with strong relationships with your boss , at least in the short run , says Berlin-based Konstantin , director of European School of Management and Technology Centre for Leadership Development Research .

  18. 好吧还有去趟仓库把康斯坦丁案子的文件拿过来但是记住如果今晚之前你还没做完我是不会签你的学分单的,所以快去快回-好的

    Fine . And also stop by storage and grab the files for the Constantine case . But remember , if you don 't finish this by tonight , I 'm not signing the sheet for your school credit , - So hustle back . - Of course .