
  • 网络Street View;Street View Maps;Google Street View
  1. 谷歌(GoogleInc.,GOOG)街景地图周三在全球范围内新增了一大特色,用户可以浏览追溯至街景功能2007年推出时的影像。

    A new feature on Google Maps Street View , which rolled out world-wide Wednesday , lets users zip through imagery dating back to Street View 's beginning in 2007 .

  2. 但是在法国首都需要这些精密的工具来完成它的工作——为谷歌的街景地图添加三维图像。

    But the contraption tooling around the French capital needs all that gear to do its job - adding three-dimensional images to Google 's Street View Maps .

  3. 使浏览者对这张全景照片感兴趣的是你可以放大或缩小、上下移动或者改变你的视野&非常类似于谷歌的街景地图。

    What makes this panoramic photo interesting to viewers is that you can zoom in and out , move up or down or change your view – much like with Google Street View maps .

  4. Tec-Innovation公司的下一步是利用该系统收集的数据为视力障碍者打造一款街景导航地图。

    The next step for Tec-Innovation is to use the data collected by its system to create a kind of street view navigation map for visually impaired people .

  5. 带有谷歌标志顶部安装了照相机的小汽车已经开始穿过我们的大街小巷,为被叫做街景的地图新功能拍摄高清晰度的街景照片。

    Google-branded cars with roof-mounted cameras have just begun traversing our streets , taking highly detailed panoramic street-level photos for a new Maps feature called Street View .

  6. 谷歌街景是谷歌地图的很受欢迎的附加功能,让你能用在街上的角度看任何地点。

    Google Street View is a popular addition to Google Maps that lets you look at any location from street level .

  7. 奥运会场馆内掀起一股街景服务绘制地图的狂热,任何室内装置都未有遗漏,甚至是跳水王子汤姆•戴利即将使用的跳水板。

    Over in the Olympic stadia , there 's a mapping frenzy with added Streetview . The interiors have been snapped - even the diving board Tom Daley will use .