
kānɡ nǎi xīn
  • carnation;clove pink;gillyflower
  1. 康乃馨的通俗花语:康乃馨通常象征魅力、特别和爱。

    The most common meanings assigned to the carnation are fascination , distinction and love .

  2. 文中并讨论了治理康乃馨锈病的策略与措施。

    It was also discussed the measurement and strategy that might be used to treat carnation rust .

  3. 康乃馨被认为是世界上最适合母亲的花,但很少有人知道中国也有自己的母亲花——虎百合。

    Carnations are considered as the perfect flowers for mothers around the world , but few know that China has its own for mothers --- the tiger lily .

  4. 康乃馨ACC氧化酶反义基因遗传转化康乃馨的研究

    Genetic Transformation of Carnation with Its ACC Oxidase Antisense Gene

  5. 康乃馨(红色):祝母亲健康长寿;

    Carnations ( red ): happy mother longevity and health .

  6. 康乃馨、金合欢花、宽摆裙什么的。

    Carnations , acacia blossoms , full skirts and all .

  7. 我们种了许多种花卉,例如玫瑰、康乃馨、菊花等等。

    We 've planted lots of different flowers , such as roses , carnations , and chrysanthemums .

  8. 康乃馨的繁殖二是报酬递增自我繁殖、自我实现的机制;

    Second , what the mechanism is which answers for the self-reproduction & self-realization of the increasing returns ;

  9. 康乃馨不同的颜色代表不同的花语:和其它花一样,康乃馨不同的花色代表着不同的花语。

    Color Meaning Just like many other flowers , the meaning of carnation changes with the color of the flower .

  10. 康乃馨是西班牙的国花,在西班牙地区的亚拉贡地区广泛种植。

    Carnation is also Spain 's national flower , and it is widely grown in the Aragon region of Spain .

  11. 康乃馨是一种粉红色,迷人,气味芳香的花朵。

    Carnations or pinks are pink flowers which are really attractive , and they give out a nice and fragrant smell .

  12. 不过,教师节也适合送康乃馨,因为老师就像父母一般关怀着我们。

    However , the Teacher 's Day is also suitable for sending carnations , because the teacher as the general care of our parents .

  13. 她们呈上一束玫瑰和康乃馨,这一刻,我们预感到了道县人民的友好。

    They welcomed us with a bunch each of roses and carnations , and we took it as an omen of the friendliness of the local people .

  14. 康乃馨的学名叫香石竹,石竹在拉丁语的意思是“爱之花”或者“花之神”

    Carnation 's scientific name is dianthus caryophyllys . Dianthus is the Latin word meaning " flower of love " or " flower of the gods . " Common Meaning

  15. 此时应选用花色、香味淡雅的鲜花,如唐菖蒲、兰花、金桔、六出花、玫瑰及康乃馨等。

    Should choose the flower of quietly elegant of design and color , fragrance right now , if 6 Tang Chang cattail , orchid , Jin Jie , flowers , rose reachs carnation , wait .

  16. 展颜怒放的郁金香、玫瑰和康乃馨便是众人目光的焦点,她们早已不再含苞待放,即将临近所有切花的共同归宿。

    The gaze is captivated by a jubilation of tulips , roses and carnations that are no longer buds , but are already fully open , and fast approaching the fate common to all cut flowers .

  17. 与情人节略有不同,三八妇女节流行送花的品种多为康乃馨、百合、玫瑰,送的对象也多为母亲、上级、爱人、同事等。

    And lovers , 38 women 's days an abridged have different flowers of many varieties for popular carnation , lily , rose , send objects is much also for mother , superior , lover , colleagues , etc.