首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 我认为这说法绝也不错可爱。

    And I think that 's absolutely lovely .

  2. 导入金鱼受精卵内的线状重组质粒pIDB103,除少量DNA与金鱼的染色体DNA可能发生整合外,其余绝大部分也形成高分子量DNA。

    When fertilized eggs of goldfish injected with linear plasmid pIDB 103 , the most exogenous DNA sequences were detected as linear conformation with high molecular weight . Some of which seems to be integrated into the chromosome of goldfish .

  3. 截止到今年年底之前,Adobe将关闭在华公司,400名员工的绝大部分也将遭到解聘,这是公司向财新网传来的消息。

    Adobe will shutter its offices in China and fire most of its 400 employees by the end of this year , sources in the company have told Caixin .

  4. 我们所看的电影绝大多数也都是美国的电影。

    Most of the movies we watch are also American .

  5. 里奥祖说,即便有的企业口口声声说想要改变,绝大多数也不会真正采取行动。

    Even when companies say they want to make a change , Mr. Liozu says , most don 't act on it . '

  6. 话已说绝,再也没有回旋余地了。

    The last word was said and no room was left for manoeuvre .

  7. 在追求这些的过程中,即使会经历痛苦的失落和心碎,我们绝大多数人也仍然会寻找一个伴侣。

    And most all of us seek a mate even after painful loss and heartbreak in that quest .

  8. 我当时相信,在那种时候,绝大多数人也不想和我在一起。

    My belief was that most people didn 't enjoy being around me much at that time either .

  9. 对称破坏时所设定的属性,就算不是全部,绝大部份看起来也都像是微调过的。

    Most , if not all , of the attributes set by symmetry breaking appear to be fine-tuned .

  10. 下文为你介绍了六种职业选择,你绝想不到它们也能给你带来巨额的财富。

    We look at six of the career choices which you wouldn 't typically bet on to bring in the big bucks .

  11. 其中一点我个人是同意的,我相信绝大多数专家也同意,那就是脑部确实有这样的动态。

    So one thing that I do agree with , and I think most experts would , is that the brain does have these dynamics .

  12. 但是,美国说它要领导世界,这点我们不能认同,恐怕世界上绝大多数国家也不会同意。

    But we could never agree to the US claiming of " leadership over the world ", and I 'm afraid that most countries in the world won 't agree to that too .

  13. 在国内外对信息素养的众多定义和解读中,绝大部分学者也将人们所拥有的信息技能水平作为信息素养研究的重要内容。

    Similarly , Most of the scholars believe that Information skill level is an important part of Information Literacy in many of the definition and interpretation of Information literacy research at home and abroad .

  14. 如果家长认真对待孩子的学习,绝大多数孩子也会认真对待特别是在掌握文化技能的低年级阶段他们会健康成长,哪怕是在破旧的教室里面。

    If parents take school seriously , by and large children will too , especially in the early years when literacy skills are being mastered & and they will thrive even in run-down school buildings .

  15. 至公元前453年,赵、韩、魏三家又联合起来,消灭了知氏,晋国的政权就控制在这三家手中,晋国的绝大部分土地也在他们的控制之下。

    In 453 B. C. , Zhao , Wei and Han divided Zhi among them . The political power and the Lands were then set for the three remaining families to divide whenever they liked .

  16. 这话说得挺绝的。Paula也生气了,她说Mike,you'reonsomekindofweirdpowertrip.你真是被某种奇怪的权利欲望附身了。

    Paula : You 're on some kind of weird power trip , Mike .

  17. 要对GWT应用程序进行良好测试(对绝大多数应用程序也适用),关键在于设计应用程序时要把测试一并考虑。

    The key to testing GWT applications well ( as is true of most applications ) is to design the application with testing in mind .

  18. 既遇到了定义自我的绝好机会,也经历了理想和现实的碰撞,

    the tremendous opportunity to self-define , the collision of expectation and experience ,

  19. 原子最奇特之处在于绝大多数人永远也无法看到它。

    The really strange thing about atoms is that most of us will never see one .

  20. 绝大多数成员同时也被授予专利律师、欧洲专利律师以及注册商标代理商。

    Most members are also chartered patent attorneys , European patent attorneys , and registered trademark agents .

  21. 海中的水必绝尽,河也消没干涸。

    And the waters of the sea will be cut off , and the river will become dry and waste .

  22. 即便是大学毕业之后,绝大多数的学生也只是单纯地想在一家好公司里找到一份体面的工作,拿着体面的薪水。

    Even after graduating , the vast majority of students simply want to get a decent paying job at an established company .

  23. 即便进行场外交易,绝大多数公司如今也要提交初始保证金&即一旦对方违约用来弥补损失的抵押品。

    Even when trading over the counter , most firms now post initial margin & collateral intended to cover losses should a counterparty default .

  24. 退一步讲,即使上诉胜利了,绝大多数情况下也得面临被继续羁押的尴尬局面。

    To say the least , even if the appeal succeeded , the case may probably continue to be in custody to face the embarrassing situation .

  25. 士兵会继续战斗,飞机不会坠毁,绝大部分社会保险也会自动发放。

    soldiers will continue to fight ; aircraft will not collide ; Social Security ( pensions ) cheques will mostly continue to be automatically sent out .

  26. 天空渐渐由浅蓝变为知更鸟蛋般淡淡的青绿,田园薄暮中那超尘绝俗的宁静也悄悄在她周围降落。

    The sky above turned slowly from to the delicate blue-green of a robin 's egg , and the of rural twilight came down about her .

  27. 就我个人来说,但愿我能直接看懂中文说明,可我不行,而绝大多数外国参观者也不行。

    Personally , I wish I could read the Chinese explanations directly , but I can 't , and neither can the vast majority of non-Chinese visitors .

  28. 海中的水必绝尽,河也消没干涸。空谈家绝不是好的实干家。&莎士比亚

    " and the waters of the sea will be cut off , and the river will become dry and waste : " Talkers are no good doers . & William Shakespeare

  29. 我认为写你那本书的人,如果他是早已仙逝,那么他心目中的那些绝技、那些不能传授的绝窍,肯定也随着他的离世而消失无踪矣!

    I think that the sage who wrote the book had been dead so the tour de force in his heart , which he could not impart to other , must have vanished .

  30. 和交易软件一样,绝大部分绘图软件也提供演示版本,你也可以在决定是否是你想用的软件前使用演示版。

    Like trading software , most charting software offers a demonstration version , so that you can test the software before you decide if it is the charting software that you want to use .