
  • 网络Absolute evidence;CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE
  1. 但是,坚持为因果关系提供绝对证据就过于苛刻了(甚至是一种不可能达到的标准)。

    But insisting on absolute proof of causation is too exacting a standard ( arguably , an impossible one ) .

  2. 本质上,修辞就是说服的艺术,是一种对没有正式、绝对证据的问题进行说理的活动。

    Essentially , rhetoric is the art of persuasion ; it concerns arguments on matters about which there can be no formal proof .

  3. 短暂的骚动接踵而至,但普遍的看法是,即使没有全球变暖的绝对证据,也应该采取预防措施,避免整个星球的灾难。

    A brief uproar ensued , but the consensus seemed to be that in the absence of absolute certainty about global warming , preventive action had to be taken to avoid a planetary catastrophe .

  4. 通过11年来对6000名英国公务员的研究发现,虽没绝对证据证明长时间工作会引起冠心病,但此研究清楚地揭示了两者的联系,专家称这也许和压力有关。

    The finding , from an 11-year study of 6,000 British civil servants , does not provide definitive proof that long hours cause coronary heart disease but it does show a clear link , which experts said may be due to stress .

  5. 然而,在经济波动中,没有绝对的证据表明周期的存在。

    Yet there is no absolute evidence for periodicity in economic fluctuations .

  6. 绝对没有证据表明这是真的。

    There is absolutely no evidence that it does .

  7. 当然,目前绝对没有证据表明这即将发生在埃特纳。

    Certainly , there is absolutely no evidence that this is about to happen at Etna .

  8. 如果绝对数字能作为证据,那美国的大学会成为全世界羡慕的对象。

    If sheer numbers provide any proof , America 's universities are the envy of the world .

  9. 我国刑事法律中严格意义上的非法证据排除规则尚未建立,必须建立我国的非法证据排除规则:绝对排除非法言词证据、原则排除非法取得的实物证据,但特殊情况下也可以采用。

    Unlawful evidence exclusionary rules should be set up since there is no proper unlawful evidence exclusionary rules in Chinese criminal laws .

  10. 这绝对不是决定性的证据,但是的确对催眠打开潜意识思维的观点增加了可信度。

    This is by no means conclusive evidence , but it does lend credence to the idea that hypnotism opens up the subconscious mind .