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  1. 戈麦在诗歌里尝试构建一种理性的诗意。

    Ge Mai in poetry try to construct a rational poetry .

  2. 戈麦走的是一条属于自己的路,他是朦胧诗后诗坛的一个孤独的探险者。

    Ge mai goes his own way , he is a lonely explorer Misty after poetry .

  3. 戈麦是新时期以来自杀的青年诗人之一。

    Ge Mai was one of the young poets who committed suicide since the new period .

  4. 戈麦远去了,可是诗歌还要继续,有许多未了的事情还等待我们继续去完成。

    Ge mai has been away , but poetry shall continue , there are many unfinished things waiting for us to continue to complete .

  5. 戈麦在汉语和诗艺中跋涉寻找,只为了能够找到点残余的诗意,一种诗歌和诗歌语言本来应该展现的发现心灵无限可能性的诗意。

    Ge mai has treked in the Chinese language and the art of the poetry to find the point residual of poetry & the discovery of the infinite possibilities of the soul poetic of the poetry .