
  • 网络Gobin
  1. 乔治戈宾辗转反侧,难以成眠。

    George Gobbin drifted in and not of light .

  2. 麦金尼蒂冲乔治戈宾意味深长地点了点头。

    Mcginnity nodded meaningfully at George gobbin .

  3. “有些人认为,对非洲而言,今年将是关系非洲成败的关键一年,”世界银行撒哈拉以南非洲地区副行长戈宾.南卡尼说。

    " Some have said that this is the make-or-break year for Africa ," says Gobind Nankani , World Bank Vice President for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region .

  4. “在非洲,每年仍有100万儿童死于疟疾,在当今的时代,这是令人不能容忍的,”世行非洲地区副行长戈宾.南卡尼表示。

    " Malaria continues to kill more than a million children in Africa each year , which is simply unacceptable in this day and age ", says Gobind Nankani , vice president for the Africa region .