
  • 网络Goldring;Goldrinn
  1. 戈德林订了他能订到的最早一班船的铺位。

    Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could .

  2. 乔纳森·曼:从表示折叠意思的“FOLD”到“LOOK”的词,戈德林已经数不清楚她利用新写法拼出了多少个词。

    JONATHAN MANN : From the word FOLD that 's literally folded to LOOK looking out , Goldring has lost count of all the words she 's respelled in her new script .

  3. 乔纳森·曼:戈德林对视觉机器有着强烈的爱好。

    JONATHAN MANN : The seeing machine is Goldring 's passion .

  4. 戈德林与麻省理工学院的学生和专家一直在研发一款更多人能买得起的个人型号。

    Goldring has been worked with student at the MIT and experts to develop a more affordable personal version .

  5. 乔纳森·曼:戈德林还是一位诗人,但是令人感到意外的是,她在失去视力后成为了视觉艺术家。

    JONATHAN MANN : Goldring is still a poet but ironically enough after she lost her vision she turned to visual art .

  6. 乔纳森·曼:视觉机器目前还没有被广泛的应用。戈德林认为,到那一天来临时,弱视者就不仅仅是得到一个“看”的机会了。

    JONATHAN MANN : The seeing machine hasn 't yet been manufactured for wider use , when that happens Goldring says the visually impaired will not only get a chance to see , they will get a chance to create .