
  • 网络Ahn'Qiraj;TAQ
  1. 现在龙类正集结起来,准备一起降落到安其拉下面那噩梦般的巢穴中一探究竟,了结那些他们已经开启的噩梦。

    The dragons are rallying their champions to descend into the nightmarish hives beneath Ahn'Qiraj and to finish what they have begun .

  2. 当时机来临的时,你们要进入安其拉的时候,用这流沙节杖敲响神圣之锣。

    Should a time arise in which you must gain entry to this accursed fortress , use the Scepter of the Shifting Sands on the sacred gong .

  3. 将会影响艾泽拉斯未来的事件已经被起动,诺兹多姆一族现在已经对其拉堡垒城市-安其拉提高警惕。

    Events have been set in motion that will shape the future of all of Azeroth , as the attention of the Brood of Nozdormu is focused on Ahn'Qiraj , the fortress city of the Qiraji .