
ān quán qū
  • security zone;safety area;safe one
  1. 我们提出了创建金融安全区的构想。

    we propound the proposal for building up the financial safety area .

  2. 设定不同的I(sn)值,可给出其特性曲线族,直观地表示出谐振线和安全区。

    For different values of Isn a family of characteristic curves can be got , which directly shows the resonant line and safety area .

  3. 联合国已宣布它为安全区。

    The U.N. has declared it to be a safe zone

  4. 联合国宣布它为安全区。

    The UN declared it a safe area .

  5. 那些不堪难民潮困扰的国家希望马上建立安全区。

    Countries overwhelmed by the human tide of refugees want safe havens set up at once .

  6. 采用分区描述理论,把混凝土CT图像分为安全区、损伤进行区和破损区进行研究。

    The subarea description theory is adopted to divide CT image into safety zone , damaging zone and broken zone for research .

  7. 在DCS中实现调速给水泵安全区自动控制的分析

    Analysis on How to realize Safety Zone Automatic Control of Variable Speed Feed Water Pump in DCS System

  8. 目的为减少胫前动脉(anteriortibialartery,ATA)的损伤提供解剖学资料,探讨手术安全区。

    Objective To provide an anatomical description of the anterior tibial artery ( ATA ) in order to reduce the risk of its injury during surgery .

  9. 观察S1椎弓根矢状切面,评估置入2枚经S1椎弓根骶髂螺钉的安全区。

    Finally parasagittal sections of the pedicle of S 1 were observed to assess the safety zone for inserting two pedicle screws into the vertebral body .

  10. 因为代理服务器不直接支持DMZ,代理服务器应该只位于内部网/安全区中。

    Because the proxy server is not DMZ ready , the proxy server should stay in the intranet / secure zone only .

  11. 但是,即使在这样的环境中,也很可能需要在这个安全区中传出数据或传入数据,这就可以用安全FTP来完成。

    But even in such scenarios , you might very well have the need to transfer data from or to this secure zone , which can be accomplished now using secure FTP .

  12. 如果采用这种类型的防火墙设施,则可以忽略MDZ中的Web服务器,而仅在安全区内保护代理服务器。

    If you have this type of firewall equipment , you may be able to bypass the Web server in the DMZ and just include the proxy in the secure zone .

  13. 用Morris水迷宫测试中的逃避潜伏期和Y迷宫作业测试中寻找安全区的正确率来评估其空间学习与记忆成绩。

    The evasive latency of the Morris water maze and the finding of precision rates in safety area of Y-maze performance test were used to evaluate their learning and memory result in interspace .

  14. 大鼠学习能力参照文献方法进行,采用MG-2型迷宫刺激器,将大鼠放入迷宫箱后予以电击,至其逃避至安全区为止。

    MG-2 maze stimulator was adopted , and electrical shock was conducted on rats until they escaped to safe area .

  15. 此方法允许我们仅在公共网络区域与DMZ组成的两个安全区中接受TSAM防火墙扩展的控制。

    This method allows us to submit to the control of the TSAM firewall extension in only the zone pair of the public network area and the DMZ .

  16. 规定大鼠逃避至安全区为正确反应,否则为错误反应,休息1min后再进行第2次测试,依次重复。

    Rats ' escaping to safe area was considered as correct response , otherwise was wrong response . The second trial was conducted at one minute after resting , and trials were repeated .

  17. 小儿臀部肌肉注射安全区的解剖学探讨

    Applied Anatomy of the Safe Region for Intragluteal Injection on Children

  18. 安全区建立后,他们会接受这样的边界吗?

    After it was established , would they respect its borders ?

  19. 好像她离开了自己的安全区。

    It looks like she has gone outif her comfort zone .

  20. 肌内注射安全区选择的解剖学依据

    The anatomic basis on choosing safe region for intramuscular injection

  21. 电力营销技术支撑平台跨安全区信息流设计

    Design of information stream for power marketing technical platform crossing safety zone

  22. 空间交会安全区和航天员出舱运动轨迹

    Safe zone of space rendezvous and motion track of astronaut during extra-vehicle

  23. 实施综合减灾建设可持续发展的经济安全区

    Execute Overall Disaster Reduction And Build Economy Safety Area Of Continuable Development

  24. 汽轮发电机组夏季运行在安全区内的措施

    Measures for turbo-generator set operating in safe zone in summer

  25. 可以,但是他一离开安全区。

    Yes , but once he makes it through the safe zone .

  26. 地下商店安全区的消防设计探讨

    Discussion on the fire safety design of the safety area in underground shops

  27. 西丰市和东辽县是生态不安全区,约占流域面积的13.07%;

    Xifeng County and Dongliao County are insecure , which are 13.07 percent ;

  28. 我得把我的市民转移到安全区。

    I have to get my people to safety .

  29. 如遇打雷闪电,请立即停止打球,到安全区暂避。

    In case of lightning , please stop play and take shelter immediately .

  30. 典型安检是在进入奥运场馆的安全区前。

    This typically occurs prior to the secure perimeter of an Olympic venue .