
  • 网络Chinese submarine;Submarines of China
  1. 潜水蛟龙美国军事专家谈中国潜艇部队

    Military Climb Chinese Submarine Force in the Eyes of Americans

  2. 中国潜艇正显然经常在那里训练,找寻日本、韩国和美国军舰去尾随演练。

    Chinese submarines were apparently exercising there more frequently , looking for Japanese , South Korean and American warships to play tag with .

  3. 事件的直接起因,可能是无瑕号对正在演练的中国潜艇侦察到太多信息。

    The proximate cause of the incident may have been that the Impeccable was learning too much about Chinese submarines that were conducting exercises .

  4. 在2007年,美国潜艇去海洋长期操作(这叫做“巡逻”)比中国潜艇高七倍。

    In2007 , American subs went to sea for long term operations ( this is called " patrols ") seven times more often than Chinese boats .

  5. 尽管按照国际法规定,一国潜艇在别国领海行驶时,必须浮上水面,并悬挂本国国旗,但中国潜艇却没有这样做。

    While international law calls on submarines to surface and raise their national flags when cruising in the territorial waters of a foreign nation , the submarine didn 't.

  6. 猜测是一艘中国潜艇,主要地因为最近十年,中国潜艇日益在接近日本和韩国等海域出现。

    Chinese boat was suspected , mainly because for the last decade , Chinese subs have increasingly been showing up close to Japan and South Korea as well .

  7. 虽不能说中国潜艇一点也不外出,但是大多时间短途航行,行驶到远离海岸进入开放水域之内,为训练和测试设备。

    This is not to say that the Chinese boats don 't go out at all , but these are largely day trips , moving off shore into the open water , in order to train and test the equipment .

  8. 中国核潜艇将接受首次海上检阅。

    China 's nuke subs up for maiden parade .

  9. 换言之,中国在潜艇静音技术上几乎落后美国30年。

    In other words , China is approximately 30 years behind the United States in submarine quieting technology .

  10. 中国核潜艇在超过40年的运行时间中,一直保持着无事故安全纪录。

    China 's nuclear submarine has maintained an amazing safety record with no accidents in more than forty years .

  11. 他们的潜艇没有让我夜里睡不着觉,但我们正带着极大的兴趣关注中国的潜艇发展。

    Their submarines do not keep me awake at night but we are watching with great interest Chinese submarine development .

  12. 中国的潜艇、战机、导弹及网络和电子战能力曾经弱小,但现在构成了威胁。

    Its submarines , fighter aircraft , missiles , and cyber - and electronic warfare , once poor , now pose a threat .

  13. 2014年中国海军潜艇访问斯里兰卡科伦坡港,此举引发了人们对于该港的用途并非经贸而是军用的担忧。

    The visit of Chinese submarines at the Colombo port in 2014 raised fears that the facility 's purpose is not economic but military .

  14. 这并不意味着现在中国在潜艇制造上对美国有优势。美国海军每年大约服役两艘新潜艇,每艘三年时间制造。

    This does not necessarily mean China now has a submarine-building edge over the U.S. The U.S. Navy commissions about two submarines a year , each of which takes about three years to build .

  15. 另一起事件发生在2004年。当时,一艘中国核动力潜艇进入冲绳县石垣岛(IshigakiIsland)附近的日本领海。

    The second incident took place in 2004 when a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine entered Japanese territorial waters near Okinawa Prefecture 's Ishigaki Island .

  16. 3月份的一起事件发生在海南岛以南75英里处。海南岛是中国最先进潜艇的基地。

    One incident in March occurred 75 miles south of Hainan island , where China keeps its most advanced submarine fleet .

  17. 中国的核潜艇似乎是世界上最嘈杂的核潜艇而且或许在海上非常脆弱。

    China 's nuclear submarines appear to be the noisiest nuclear submarines in the world and will probably be highly vulnerable at sea .

  18. 即使中国每年的潜艇建造量多于美国,质量上不一定好。

    Even if China ends up capable of building more submarines per year than the United States can , there 's the question of quality .

  19. 当中国核动力攻击潜艇计划在1960年后期内进入了全尺寸发展,核动力弹道导弹潜艇计划也产生进步。

    As China 's nuclear-powered attack submarine programme entered full-scale development in the late1960s , the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine programme was also given go-ahead .

  20. 北泽俊美承认,上述中国战舰(包括潜艇、驱逐舰和护卫舰)始终在公海范围内。但他表示,这一行动的空前性质,意味着需要进行更多调查。

    Mr Kitazawa acknowledged that the Chinese vessels , which included submarines , destroyers and frigates , had remained within international waters but said the unprecedented nature of the action needed more investigation .