
  • 网络Neutron technology;Ion Tech
  1. 总之,是一种中子技术。

    It 's a prototype based on neutron technology .

  2. 双通道闪烁探测器探测中子技术

    Neutron detection using double-channels scintillant detector

  3. MCNP程序在核弹头核查中子探测技术研究中的应用

    Application of MCNP Code in Research of Neutron Detecting Technique in Nuclear Warhead Verifying

  4. 应用脉冲快热中子分析技术(PFTNA)代替煤炭行业原来使用的化学分析方法,不但节约成本,而且经过努力可以实现在线分析,是一种非常有前途的分析方法。

    Pulse fast thermal neutron analysis technology ( PFTNA ) is a better method than chemical analysis used in coal industry .

  5. 中子活化技术在矿浆成份分析上的应用

    The Application of the Neutron Activation Technique on Mud Component Analysis

  6. 华北油田脉冲中子测井技术拓展应用研究

    Expanded application study on pulsed neutron logging technology in Huabei Oilfield

  7. 中子照相技术及其在混凝土材料研究中的应用

    Neutron radiography technique and its application on research of concrete materials

  8. 用长计数器实验研究弱中子探测技术

    Experimental Studies on Detecting Technology of Weak Neutrons with Long Counters

  9. 用铀裂变室研究反射中子测量技术

    Study on technique for measuring reflection neutrons by uranium fission chamber

  10. 基于中子活化技术的煤炭全元素在线分析系统的研究

    On-line element analysis system of coal based on prompt gamma-ray analysis method

  11. 中子辐照技术在鲍育苗中的应用

    A study on neutron irradiation technology applied to abalone breeding

  12. 应用热中子辐照技术选育黑色种皮稻米的研究

    Selection and breeding of the rice in black seed coat radiated by THERMONEUTRON

  13. 反射宇宙中子测量技术探索研究

    Technique to measure and study reflected cosmic neutron

  14. 中子活化技术在层序地层学中的应用

    Applications of neutron activation analysis in sequence stratigraphy

  15. 中子活化技术在大气污染研究中的应用

    Neutron Activation Technique Applied in Studying Atmospheric Pollution

  16. 通过测量裂变碎片的γ射线研究中子测量技术

    Study on technique for measuring neutrons by measuring the γ rays from fission fragments

  17. 中子测量技术是核保障领域非破坏性分析技术中重要方法之一。

    Neutron measurement technology is one of important Non-destructive assay methods in nuclear safeguards field .

  18. 核查中的中子探测技术研究

    Experimental Study on Technique of Nuclear Verification

  19. 中子散射技术在生物研究中的应用

    Neutron Scattering in the Biological Material research

  20. 并首次在国内试用了中子活化技术对底沙运动进行了示踪测定。

    Neutron activation technique was first tried to make tracing measurement for bed & load movement .

  21. 中子散射技术及其应用

    Neutron scattering and its applications

  22. 介绍了一种应用于脉冲快热中子分析技术中的新解谱方法。

    A new method of data processing used in pulse fast thermal neutron analysis technology is introduced .

  23. 低于阈能的中子探询技术

    Subthreshold neutron interrogation technique

  24. 一种新的快堆中子噪声技术&快堆中子噪声的热化测量技术

    A new neutron noise technique for fast reactors & thermalization measurement technique for the neutron noise of fast reactors

  25. 本文介绍利用脉冲快热中子分析技术对爆炸物进行检测的基础研究。

    In this article , the fundamental research of detecting explosives using PulsedFast / Thermal Neutron Analysis is introduced to us .

  26. 由于中子散射技术的发展,人们才得以在声子色散曲线和同位素效应的研究等方面有所收获。

    Because of the development of neutron scattering technology , people successed in the field of phonon dispersion curve and isotope effect study .

  27. 中子照相技术中的探测与记录介质,历经了胶片成像、闪烁屏成像和闪烁光纤成像等几个发展过程。

    The recording materials of neutron imaging have gone through the processes of film imaging , scintillation screen imaging and scintillation fiber imaging .

  28. 中子探测技术在违禁品检测、环境辐射检测、军事以及深空探测等领域应用广泛。

    Neutron detection technology has been widely used in the fields of explosives detection , environmental radiation detection , military and deep space exploration .

  29. 中子照相技术是一项重要的无损检测技术,转化屏的性能极大地影响着中子照相的质量。

    Neutron radiography is an important technology of non-destruction testing . The quality of neutron radiography is deeply influenced by the property of the converter .

  30. 为促进中子散射技术在我国的进一步发展,将在一座研究堆上建立一套中子散射实验装置。

    To promote its development in China , a set of Neutron Scattering Experimental Facility ( NSEF ) will be installed at a new research reactor .