
  • 网络Intermediary agency;broker agent
  1. 许多HTTP标头在设计时都考虑到了网络,并帮助浏览器和中介代理自动执行信息的更改。

    Many of the HTTP headers were designed with networking in mind , and helping browsers and intermediate proxies to automate exchange of information .

  2. 首先提出了一个基于身份的(t,n)门限签名并分析了其安全性,在此基础上,构造了一个基于身份的中介代理签名方案,该方案也具备快速撤销代理权的功能。

    We firstly propose an ID-based ( t , n ) threshold signature scheme and analyze its security , then we construct an ID-based mediated proxy signature scheme using our ( t , n ) threshold signature .

  3. 未来广州市房地产中介代理业的一个重要的发展趋势就是连锁经营,信息时代的广州房地产中介业将形成一个类似于MLS的交易系统。

    An important development trend of real estate agency is the chain operation , the Guangzhou realestate agency of information age will form MLS trade system .

  4. 利用SERVQUAL标尺测量了广州一家房地产中介代理公司的服务质量,在此基础上提出了改进服务质量的意见和建议。

    SERVQUAL scale is used to measure the service quality of a real estate agency company in Guangzhou . Suggestions for improvement in service quality are provided .

  5. 一手中介代理费购房者享受了什么服务?

    Primary intermediary agency fees property buyers " enjoy " what services ?

  6. 第六章对房地产中介代理业的未来发展作了展望。

    The sixth chapter forecasts the future of Guangzhou real estate agency .

  7. 保险中介代理是金融混业经营的突破口

    Insurance Agency is the Breakthrough for Comprehensive Financial Operation

  8. 第五章论述了广州市房地产中介代理业的宏观管理。

    The fifth chapter discusses the macro-management of real estate agency of Guangzhou .

  9. 分别从这两个方面论述了中介代理业的宏观管理。

    This chapter describes the macro-management of real estate agency in these two respects separately .

  10. 该方法通过中介代理技术对封装后的功能体的重组,来实现新的业务功能。

    The agent technology is used to reorganize the function bodies to compose new business functions .

  11. 一类基于知识的通信中介代理

    A Knowledge Based Communication Medium Agent

  12. 在合理假设的基础上,本章推导了房地产中介代理机构的分布密度公式。

    On the basis of rational assumption , this chapter derives formulae of density of distribution of real estate agency .

  13. 介绍了一类基于知识的通信中介代理,它为网上通信各方提供智能中介服务。

    A knowledge based communication medium agent is described in this paper , it provides intelligent medium services in the network .

  14. 商品化促进了服务提供商的发展,他们中介代理了多种类型的、易按商业规则实现商品化的组件。

    Commoditization encourages the growth of service providers who broker many types of components , which are easily customized by business rules .

  15. 论文研究了房地产中介代理的地位和作用,房地产中介代理服务质量的测量方法以及房地产中介代理机构分布密度的模型。

    This paper studies position and function of the real estate agency , measurement instrument of service quality of real estate agency and the model of distribution density .

  16. 这些研究丰富了房地产中介代理理论,同时也为广州地区房地产中介代理业的进一步发展提供了可资参考的意见和建议。

    The research enriches the theory of the real estate agency . At the same time , Suggestions for further development of Guangzhou real estate agency industry are provided .

  17. 经过十多年的发展,广州房地产中介代理业已颇具规模,有关中介代理的理论研究却相对滞后。

    After more than ten years of development , Guangzhou real estate agency has developed into a sizable industry , but the theoretical research of real estate agency lags behind relatively .

  18. 于租赁期最后两个月中,当甲方或甲方指定的中介代理给予乙方合理的通知之后,乙方应同意由甲方或甲方指定的中介代理陪同潜在的承租人参观房屋和屋内设施。

    Permit Party A or Party A 's agents during the last two months of the tenancy term to visit the premises and facilities in the Premises with reasonable notice together with any prospective tenants .

  19. 目前,我国保险电子商务市场已经从导入期进入快速发展期,各保险公司和保险中介代理公司纷纷加大投入构建自己的电子商务网站和电话营销平台。

    Currently , China e-commerce market share is already entering to the station of rapid development , most insurance companies and insurance agencies increase their input on building up own e-commerce system which including website and call center .

  20. 针对我国药品集中招标采购实施过程中的现实困境,文章从利益主体各方力量严重失衡、中介代理机构外部力量失效等角度作出政策分析。

    Be aim at the difficulties of the carrying out of physic purchase of centralized bidding , the paper makes policy analysis from some points of view such as serious unbalance of every power about benefit main body and invalidation of external power of agencies .

  21. 最后,他真的联系了我们那边的所有联系人,并带回来了一些非常地道的见解,说我们可以如何通过仓库而非标准的中介代理进行批发销售。

    And sure enough , he clearly really worked on all our contacts out there , and he came back with some great new insights into how we might be able to develop bulk sales direcdy through warehouses , rather than through the standard agency channels .

  22. 中介机构代理政府采购存在的问题及解决对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Intermediary Sector when Purchasing on Behalf of Government

  23. 通过中介机构代理交易的证券跨国交易后,在外国登记公司就产生了间接持有的问题。

    Security being transacted by intermediary institutions has engendered issues of transnational indirect holding in foreign registration companies .

  24. 世界上许多经济发达的国家,纳税人依靠中介机构代理申办纳税事宜已是司空见惯,它被许多国家在实践中证明是行之有效的。

    Many economy developed countries , that taxpayer depend on intermediary agencies is common , it is proved to be effective in practice .

  25. 业户可自行建帐,也可聘请社会中介机构代理建帐。

    Business households can establish accounting books on their own . They can also employ intermediate agencies of society to establish accounting books as agents .

  26. 网上销售,家教信息,二手中介,代理报名等各项业务,无所不有,资源覆盖全北京各大主要高校。

    Internet sales , * , used intermediaries , such as agent for the business , everything there , covering the full resources major Beijing University .

  27. 文章主要介绍了信息代理与智能代理同样是信息中介或代理的特点,分析了他们之间相同与不同,构想了两者发展的前景。

    Information agent and Intelligent agent are play the same roles in information society , both them are agent . The paper analysis their feature and function , their similarity and difference , conceive their collaboration future .

  28. 在V7中,已经扩展的功能包括管理中介策略和代理网关。

    In V7 , capabilities have been extended to include managing Mediation Policies and Proxy Gateways .

  29. 还有许多服务管理解决方案,他们通过引入中介体和代理策略来实现请求路由。

    There are multiple service management solutions that combine both approaches by introducing both intermediary and agent strategies for request routing .

  30. 杨志强是一位来自江苏农村的22岁青年,一年前开始在上海一家知名房地产中介从事销售代理的工作。

    Yang Zhiqiang , 22 , from rural Jiangsu province , began working as a real estate agent for a well-known brokerage in Shanghai a year ago .