
  • 网络Safety Car
  1. 更安全汽车的潜力意味着事故数据的下降。

    The potential for safer cars means accident statistics would drop .

  2. 日本ASV安全汽车的技术研究动向

    The Technical Trends of Japan 's ASV Safety Automobiles

  3. 浅谈日本先进安全汽车

    A primer Description on Japanese Advanced safety Automobiles

  4. 除了其他方面,梅赛德斯还试图加强其作为全球最安全汽车的地位。

    Among other things , Mercedes is attempting to reassert its incumbency as the safest car in the world .

  5. 因此,收购沃尔沃这个享有全球最安全汽车之一盛誉的汽车品牌是会提振中国收购方,还是会令沃尔沃的荣耀蒙羞?

    So would buying a brand with a reputation as one of the safest cars in the world buck up a Chinese buyer or tarnish Volvo ?

  6. 在美国,中产家庭想要的是一辆用于接送孩子的安全的汽车,基本上是体型庞大的昂贵小型货车或运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    In the US , middle-class families would like a safe vehicle in which to transport their children , typically a big , expensive minivan or SUV .

  7. 我们可以设计出更安全的汽车。

    We could design the car to make it safer .

  8. 安全是汽车设计中最重要的一个因素。

    Safety is the single most important factor in a car 's design .

  9. 汽车轮胎安全在汽车安全行驶中起着重要作用。

    Tire safety of automobile Tires plays an important role in vehicles safe driving .

  10. 安全的汽车、速度、道路

    A safe car , speed , road

  11. 最后,一个司机通常是安全的汽车,当他晚上出门。

    Finally , a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night .

  12. 儿童乘员安全是汽车碰撞安全领域的重要研究课题之一。

    Child occupant safety is one of the important research subject in the field of vehicle crash safety .

  13. 随着汽车技术的不断发展,越来越多的的人拥有了自己的汽车,基于汽车安全的汽车辅助系统也日益受到了人们的重视。

    Along with the development of the car technology , more and more people have cars of their own .

  14. 汽车驾驶关系到人的生命安全,汽车仪表的人机界面合理设计尤其重要。

    Driving related to the safety of human life , the rational design of Auto dashboard interface is especially important .

  15. 我不是跟你说了吗?在你能安全驾驶汽车之前,休想再动我的汽车!

    Didn 't I tell you you can 't drive my car again until you lean to be a safe driver !

  16. 所以,为了保证行车中的安全,汽车驾驶员要忌四种消极的情绪和五种不良的心理。

    To ensure the safety of driving , the driver must quit four negative emotions and five kinds of unhealthy psychology .

  17. 汽车安全是汽车产品研发中必须首先考虑的一个重要因素。

    New automobile products not only have to meet or exceed automotive safety regulations but also customer expectations and demands for safety features .

  18. 四悬臂式机翼的设计是为了保证车体在空中的安全,汽车从发动到达到飞行速度需要20秒的时间。

    The four-cantilever wing design is intended to make it safer in the air , and it takes around 20 seconds to reach flight speed .

  19. 本文介绍了美国负责汽车交通安全和汽车产品召回的政府机构,以及政府关于汽车产品召回的指导性文件。

    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) and the Safety recall compendium as a guide document for vehicle products recall are briefly introduced in this paper .

  20. 汽车安全中心汽车安全游说集团通过信息自由法案要求获得数据,发表在网站上。

    Auto safety lobby group the Center for Auto Safety obtained the data via a Freedom of Information Act request , and has released it on its website .

  21. 设计了规范的汽车滚装码头装卸工艺流程和安全实施汽车滚装码头装卸作业的工艺要点。

    Designed standard handling technological process of ro / ro car wharf and process points of implementation of the loading and unloading operations for ro / ro car wharf .

  22. 安全是汽车驾驶的永恒的主题,由于高速公路交通的飞速发展,交通事故呈不断上升趋势,交通安全越来越受到广泛的关注。

    Safety is the eternal theme of the vehicle Driving , as the rapid development of freeway , traffic accidents were rising trend , safety is widely concerning by people .

  23. 运用开发型汽车驾驶模拟器,可在模拟的汽车驾驶环境中,研究人车环境闭环系统特性,从而研制出高主动安全性汽车。

    Using the development vehicle driving simulator ( DVDS ), the characteristics of driver / vehicle / environment close-loop system can be studied and the high active safety vehicle can be developed .

  24. 而驾驶行为是一个不断往复进行的信息处理过程,对驾驶员的信息加工模式进行研究是道路交通安全与汽车安全设计的核心基础。

    Driving behavior is an information processing course going on unceasingly , and the study on information processing pattern of drivers forms the key foundation of road traffic safety and automobile safety design .

  25. 在分析影响驾驶员安全驾驶汽车能力的主要因素后,提出了驾驶员操作可靠性评定方法,确定了驾驶员的基本可靠度及其他相关参数。

    Based on the analysis of main factors affecting driver 's ability of safe driving , an assessment method of driver 's operation reliability was proposed , and the basic reliability and other related parameters of driver were defined .

  26. 热镀锌双相钢强度高、抗腐蚀性好,且具有良好的冲压性能,已成为未来发展轻质量高安全性汽车的主要材料。

    The hot dip galvanized dual-phase steel has high strength and good corrosion resistance as well as good punching performance . It has become the main steel used in the automobiles of light quality and high safety in the future .

  27. 行车安全是汽车业界一个永恒的话题,而轮胎气压是影响行车安全的重要因素,所以在当代的许多新车型中都把轮胎气压监视系统作为标准配置。

    Driving safety is a permanent topic discussed by the people of automobile industry , as a while tire pressure is one of the most important factor which influences the driving safety and the TPMS has been a standard device in many new models .

  28. 与此同时,你会安全地藏在汽车里。

    You , meanwhile , will be skulking in the safety of the car

  29. 他买了一辆有自动车窗和安全气囊的汽车。

    He bought a car with power windows and air bag .

  30. 安全气囊对汽车乘员碰撞损伤防护的研究

    Survey of research on airbag for occupant injury prevention from vehicle impacts