
  • 网络PaPa;Papa smurf
  1. 然后还有就是我蓝爸爸

    And then there 's me papa smurf

  2. 最后蓝爸爸把她变成了一位金发碧眼的美貌女郎,一下子,所有的蓝精灵都被她迷得神魂颠倒,并真正接受她为他们的一份子。

    They are not impressed , however , and she ends up repenting and crying - so Papa Smurf makes her blonde . After the transformation , they all fall in love with her and accept her as one of their own .

  3. 而她不断地念叨:“妈妈,您忘了拿粉红宝宝,你忘了拿蓝爸爸

    and she 's like , " Mommy , but you forgot the pink baby and you forgot the blue daddy

  4. 而她不断地念叨:妈妈,您忘了拿粉红宝宝你忘了拿蓝爸爸你忘了拿这个那个等等。

    and she 's like , Mommy , but you forgot the pink baby and you forgot the blue daddy and you forgot all these other things .

  5. 其实蓝妹妹别担心爸爸

    Actually , smurfette . Don 't worry , papa

  6. 所有的蓝精灵(除了蓝爸爸、蓝宝宝、蓝妹妹和蓝爷爷)据说都已有一百岁了。

    All Smurfs , with the exception of Papa , Baby , Smurfette and Grandpa , are said to be100 years old .