
lán jīng líng
  • The Smurfs;Blue Demon;Blue Fairy;BLUE
  1. 但《蓝精灵》这部动画片真的能树立一个美好社会的模范吗?

    But could The Smurfs really offer a model for good society ?

  2. 从前,在遥远的地方,有一条蘑菇村。里面住了一众可爱活泼的小精灵,绰号“蓝精灵”。

    Far , fat away , in a little mushroom village , live a group of little blue pixies in short trousers and white bonnets called The Smurfs .

  3. 考伊斯曼说,《蓝精灵》DVD仅去年一年的销量就达到了100万,这足以证明“蓝精灵”的长久生命力。

    A testament of their enduring popularity : One million Smurf DVDs were sold last year alone , Coysman said .

  4. 蓝精灵的数量最初是99个,但是这个数字随着新的蓝精灵角色的出现而增加,比如Sassette和Nanny。

    There were originally 99 Smurfs , but this number increased as new Smurf characters appeared , such as Sassette and Nanny .

  5. 最初所有的蓝精灵都是男的,后来一些女性角色被加入,例如蓝妹妹和Sassette。

    All of the original Smurfs were male ; later female additions are Smurfette and Sassette .

  6. 这座小镇举办了2011年《蓝精灵》(TheSmurfs)的首映式。如今,成千上万的游客蜂拥至此体验这些笼罩在蓝色光环中的蘑菇形房子。

    the town hosted the 2011 premiere of ' The Smurfs . ' Today , tens of thousands of visitors flock here to experience these Moorish houses in their azure glory .

  7. 《蓝精灵》是1958年10月23日由比利时漫画家沛优(Peyo,PierreCulliford的笔名)创作的一部漫画,描写一群生活在大森林中的蓝色精灵的故事。

    The Smurfs is a comic and television franchise centred on a group of small blue fictional creatures called Smurfs , created and first introduced as a series of comic strips by the Belgian cartoonist Peyo ( pen name of Pierre Culliford ) on October 23 , 1958 .

  8. 1958年10月,比利时漫画家皮埃尔•库利福德(笔名:皮尤)创造的“蓝精灵”卡通形象首次出现在连环漫画中,他给这群小精灵起名为“Schtroumpf”,也就是后来享誉全球的Smurfs(“蓝精灵”)。

    The Belgium cartoonist Pierre Culliford , best known by his pen name , " Peyo , " first introduced the tiny blue figures in a comic strip in October 1958 . He called them Schtroumpf and they became known worldwide as the Smurfs .

  9. 不一会儿,所有的蓝精灵都吃起了蛋糕。

    Soon , all the blue-wizard both eat something the cake .

  10. 一百多只蓝精灵也就是10倍的魔力

    One hundred more smurfs , that 's 10 times the power

  11. 绅士们爱金发女郎,在蓝精灵的世界也不例外。

    Gentlemen prefer blondes , and apparently Smurfs do , too .

  12. 不他们是蓝精灵和我们一样

    No , no , no. They 're smurfs just like us

  13. 我们是蓝精灵小分队这个任务我们一起完成

    We 're team smurf and we 're in this together

  14. 你做到了你逮到了一只蓝精灵

    You 've done it , you 've caught a smurf

  15. 我们的小金发美人甚至都不是一个真的蓝精灵

    Little miss yellow hair isn 't even a real smurf

  16. 聪聪我比任何人都讨厌格格巫但是我们是蓝精灵

    Brainy , I hate gargamel more than anyone but we 're smurfs

  17. “蓝精灵”的创造者皮尤于1992年去世,享年64岁。

    The cartoonist Peyo died in 1992 at age 64 .

  18. 因为我刚好也是蓝精灵的头

    because I happen to be the leader of the smurfs

  19. 哦谢谢你们谢谢真是有爱的蓝精灵

    Oh , thank you . Thank you . Such a kind smurf

  20. 我可不知道还有别的蓝精灵

    I wouldn 't even know about those other smurfs

  21. 我们是蓝精灵我们做正确的事

    We 're smurfs . We do the right thing

  22. 蓝精灵?皮厚,甜美,单宁丰富的丹魄葡萄。

    The smurfs ? Tempranillo , tough skin , delicious , good tannin .

  23. 就是你一直在寻找的蓝精灵

    Long have you searched for these creatures of blue

  24. 嘿我们才见一次我不是那种随便的蓝精灵

    Hey ! We just met ! I 'm not that kind of smurf

  25. 蓝精灵在上面施了咒语

    The blue fairy casts a spell on it .

  26. 安全带在哪里抓住他们抓住那些蓝精灵

    Where are the seat belts ? Get them ! Get those smurfs !

  27. 这就对了蓝精灵测试的格格巫认证A级一等的高能量急冻球

    That 's right , Smurftested , gargamelapproved , gradea firstclass highoctane freeze balls

  28. 我叫他聪聪的超级蓝精灵能量药水

    I call it brainy 's super smurfy power fuel

  29. 我们得带你去蓝精灵果园

    We have to take you to smurfy grove

  30. 想像一下100只蓝精灵的魔力组合在一起

    Imagine the power in 100 of them combined