
  • 网络paddington;Paddington Bear
  1. 对于这只熊来说这次的活动也是一个契机,正好推广新电影《帕丁顿熊2》。

    It was also an especially timely event for the bear , who was able to promote his upcoming movie , Paddington 2 .

  2. 帕丁顿熊的电影制作人保罗·金将导演这部即将上映的电影,这是迪士尼宣布的真人版翻拍电影的一部分。

    Paddington filmmaker Paul King is to direct the forthcoming film , which is part of a series of live-action remakes announced by Disney .

  3. “帕丁顿熊”这是第一部讲述了一只会说话的熊的电影

    The movie Paddington.It was the NO. 1 movie about talking bears .

  4. 帕丁顿熊是个故事人物。凯特甚至和它跳了支舞。

    She even did a little dance with the famed storybook character on the platform .

  5. 客人之中有许多是英国儿童文学作品和电视节目中的角色。帕丁顿熊,坦克引擎托马斯和哈里·波特都会出现。

    Characters from British children 's literature and television were among the guests-with Paddington Bear , Thomas the Tank Engine and Harry Potter all putting in an appearance .

  6. 周一,凯特精神不错,意外与威廉一同在帕丁顿熊伦敦车站会见了有名的帕丁顿熊。

    Kate was in good spirits again on Monday when she made a surprise appearance alongside William to meet the famous Paddington Bear at the cuddly character 's namesake train station in London .

  7. 因为日益严重的晨吐,凯特?米德尔顿淡出媒体视线,不过她也会偶尔出席一些重要场合,就像是和帕丁顿熊的会面。

    Kate Middleton might be staying out of the spotlight lately to cope with her debilitating morning sickness , but she 's made a few appearances for important occasions , including a meeting with Paddington Bear .