
  • Blue Treasure;LANBE
  1. 几周前,德勤(deloitte)则向其美国员工分发了数千本“战略蓝宝书”(thelittlebluebookofstrategy)。

    A couple of weeks ago , Deloitte distributed thousands of copies of the little blue book of strategy to its US employees .

  2. 海洋制剂金蓝宝在大鼠同种异体瓣膜移植中的免疫抑制作用

    Immunosuppressive effect of marine preparation JLB on aortic valve allograft transplantation

  3. 我告诉过你我从未进过蓝宝捷尼。

    I told you I 've never dealt with lamborghinis .

  4. 璀璨夺目的蓝宝城

    A Lustrous City of Sapphire

  5. 与此相反,蓝宝书里只有5点战略和4条价值观。

    By contrast , the little blue book contains only five points of strategy and only four values .

  6. 这本小册子是装在信封里送到员工家的,上面写着:您的战略蓝宝书。

    The little volume arrived at employees ' homes in an envelope that said Your Little Blue Book of Strategy .