
  1. 济南创新工作机制保障群众权益促进社会和谐

    Innovating Working Mechanism , Securing Civilians ' Rights and Interests and Promoting Social Harmony

  2. 创新工作机制,构建以利用率为导向、以开放率为基础、以开发率为关键的大学档案工作评估体系。

    Innovating operating system , constructing a university archive work evaluation system which guides the utilization ratio , basic opening and exploitation ratio .

  3. 目前国内各高校普遍十分重视校友工作,创新工作机制,使得校友工作展现出了前所未有的大好局面。

    Currently , domestic colleges and universities attach great importance to alumni work , and the innovation of working mechanism makes the alumni work to be unprecedented trends .

  4. 坚持以人为本,区别对待,创新工作机制,协调利益关系,推进第一要务,是正确处理当前各种利益关系和人民内部矛盾的基本原则和思路。

    The basic principles and way of thinking contain taking people as basis , making a difference between them , initiating working mechanism , harmonizing beneficial relationship , pushing the first important affair .

  5. 社区自治功能的培育方式主要有:创新工作机制,促进居民自治;创新工作载体,扩大社区参与;培育社区中介组织。最后,着力提高社区服务水平。

    Function of community self-cultivation methods are : innovation mechanism to promote resident self-government ; innovation carriers and expand community participation ; foster community intermediary organizations ; community management socialization . Finally , focusing on improving community services .

  6. 创新工作机制:提高欠发达地区农村基层党组织工作效力的关键&眉山市东坡区农村基层党组织工作效力的调查与思考

    INNOVATION OF WORK MECHANISM , THE KEY OF ENHANCING THE WORK EFFECTIVENESS OF COUNTRYSIDE BASIC PARTY ORGANIZATIONS IN LESS-DEVELOPED AREAS & Investigation and Speculation of Work Effectiveness of Countryside Basic Party Organization in Dongpo Area , Meishan City

  7. 为此,在建设社会主义新农村的进程中,应该着重从提高思想政治工作者的素质、创新工作机制、强化服务意识、注重工作实效等方面入手。

    Therefore , in the process of building a new socialist rural ( area ), improving the ideological and political workers ' quality , innovation mechanisms , strengthening the ( consciousness ) of service , and stressing work results should come first .

  8. 对人员管理、档案资料等还停留在面上的问题,提出要不断创新工作机制,不断学习先进管理经验、技术,才能解决管理与记录相脱节问题。

    For the problem of people management and profiles which still stays on the surface , in order to solve the adrift of management and record the author propose to build up work mechanism and learn constantly advance management experience and technique . 7 .

  9. 笔者通过对眉山市东坡区农村基层党组织工作效力的调查分析认为,创新工作机制是进一步提高欠发达地区农村基层党组织工作效力的关键。

    Through investigating and analyzing the work effectiveness of countryside basic Party organization in Dongpo Area , Meishan City , the authors have believed that the innovation of work mechanism is the key of enhancing work effectiveness of countryside basic Party organizations in less-developed areas .

  10. 要不断强化在超期不当羁押方面检察机关发挥司法救济功能的有效性,通过改革创新工作机制来完善司法救济的方式,使法律赋予犯罪嫌疑人的权利得到有效保障。

    To continue to strengthen the prosecution in terms of extended detention function to play the effectiveness of judicial relief , through reform and innovation to improve the working mechanism of judicial relief the way , make the law the rights of criminal suspects to give effective protection .

  11. 为使开发人员将更多的精力用于产品的创造性和艺术性上,提出了将知识工程技术应用于产品开发过程。着力创新工作机制实现法制宣传教育工作新突破

    In order to enable developers putting more efforts on creativity and artistry of the products , idea of applying Knowledge-based Engineering ( KBE ) in product development was put forward . Making More Efforts to Creating Innovative Working Mechanism to Make New Breakthroughs of Legal Publicity and Education Work

  12. 坚持党管人才原则,创新人才工作机制

    Uphold Party Managing Talents Principle and Create Talents Management Mechanism

  13. 创新人才工作机制促进企业快速发展

    Innovate Talent Work Mechanism Promote Enterprise Speedy Development

  14. 创新人才工作机制大力提升企业竞争力

    Innovate the Work Mechanism of Talented Person , Promote the Enterprise Competition Ability Strongly

  15. 健全培养机制,全面提升人才队伍整体素质三个方面,阐述了创新人才工作机制,对提高企业竞争力,促进企业稳健持续发展的重要作用。

    The mechanism will increase the competition ability and promote the steady development of the enterprise .

  16. 创新群众工作机制是构建和谐社会的基础&罗伯特·欧文构建新和谐公社的启示

    To Innovate the Mechanism of the Mass Work is a Foundation to Construct a Harmonious Society

  17. 三是创新人才工作机制,激发人才工作活力;

    Third is to create talented person 's work mechanism , stir up the talented person 's work vitality ;

  18. 创新人才工作机制,是企业加快转方式、调结构,实现科学发展的现实需要。

    Innovation of talents working mechanism is the reality needs to accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development and to realize the strategic goal of the reform .

  19. 提出要加大教育投资、创新人才工作机制、建设好社区计划生育管理新机制等对策。

    In the article , the writers bring forward that educational investment should be increased , the talent working system reformed , and the new management system of community family planning work strengthened .

  20. 随着地勘单位体制改革的深化和产业经济发展,人才工作面临新情况、新问题,迫切需要加大人才工作力度,创新人才工作机制。

    Talent work is faced with the new situation and the new problems along with deepening of the system reform of geological and prospecting enterprises . It is necessary to strengthen talent work and improve the mechanism of talent work .

  21. 关于创新高校人才工作机制的思考

    Innovating on the working mechanism of talented people & optimizing the system of nurturing talented people in Universities

  22. 创新高校学生工作机制,是新形势下加强和改进学生工作的重要内容。

    Innovation of college students work system is an important content in the new situation to strengthen and improve the students work .

  23. 创新科教兴市工作机制的思考

    Innovation of Operating Mechanism of Developing the City by Science and Education

  24. 支撑社会科学创新的社科信息工作机制

    The Information Mechanism Supporting Social Sciences Innovation

  25. 新形势下创新海外留学人才工作机制的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Creative Working System for Returned Overseas Chinese Talents in the New Situation

  26. 加强社会主义荣辱观教育创新大学生思想政治工作机制

    To Enhance Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor Education To Innovate Thought Political Work Mechanism in College Students

  27. 制度创新包括人才工作领导机制、激励机制、绩效管理制度、选用制度、引进制度等方面的创新。

    Institutional innovation includes talented person job the aspect innovation such as leading mechanism , incentive mechanism , achievement effect management system , selecting and using system , introducing system .

  28. 总结新中国成立以来扫盲的经验,从中获得创新扫盲工作的新机制新思路新方法,是一项十分有意义且必要的研究课题。

    Summering the literacy experience since the founding of New China and gaining a new method of a new mechanism and new ideas for innovative literacy are very meaningful and necessary research topics .

  29. 推进施工企业党组织的建设必须与时俱进,坚持一岗双责、两个融合、三个同步、四个同时,创新工作思路、工作机制、工作方法和工作方式。

    Promotion of Party organization construction in construction enterprises must advance with time , adhere one position with two responsibilities , two fusion , three synchronization , four same-time , innovate working ideas , mechanism and modes .

  30. 最后,从领导机制、管理机制、组织机制、保障机制、服务机制、评价机制、激励机制等诸方面,就创新高校共青团工作运行机制提出了一些建设性意见。

    Finally , the paper puts forward some constructive opinions on creating the operating mechanism of CYL from leading mechanism , management mechanism , organizing mechanism , and guaranteeing mechanism , service mechanism , evaluation mechanism and encouragement mechanism etc.