
  • 网络Technology gap;Technological Gap
  1. 英国需要弥合学术界和企业界之间的技术差距。

    Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry .

  2. 从技术差距、吸收能力看FDI与中国的技术追赶

    FDI and technological catching-up based on technology gap , absorptive capability

  3. 技术差距对我国工业FDI吸收能力的影响

    The Influence of Technology Gap on the FDI Absorptive Capability in Our Industry

  4. FDI、技术差距与本土企业的研发投入&理论及中国的经验研究

    FDI , Technology Gap , and Local R & D : Theory and Experience Analysis of China

  5. 技术差距大,人力资本多和竞争程度高有助于FDI技术溢出。

    Larger technology gap , more human capital and higher intensities of competition are conducive to the spillovers .

  6. 第二、技术差距和创新能力是影响FDI对外商直接投资的重要因素。

    Second , the technology gap and the impact of FDI on innovation is an important factor in foreign direct investment .

  7. 主流观点认为东道国相对于发达国家的技术差距越大,吸收FDI技术溢出的能力也越强。

    The mainstream of viewpoint is that the greater the technology gap is , the stronger the absorptive capability of FDI spillover effect is .

  8. 产业关联、行业集中度和技术差距对内资企业工业增加值和FDI技术溢出效应的影响截然不同。

    Finally , Industry linkages , industry concentration and the technology gap each has different impact on the industrial added value of domestic enterprises and FDI technology spillover .

  9. 大量关于FDI的研究表明,影响FDI溢出效应的两个核心因素是当地企业与FDI企业的技术差距,以及当地企业的吸收能力。

    Many literatures on FDI show that technology gap between local enterprise and multi-national corporation ( MNC ) and absorptive capability of local enterprise are two key factors influencing FDI spillover effects .

  10. 因此,加大R&D投入力度,健全国家创新体制以及完善知识产权保护法律体系,应该成为我国吸引FDI、缩小同发展达国家技术差距的重要政策。

    Therefore , increasing the R & D expenditure , establishing the national innovation system and the effective intellectual property rights protection legal framework should become our country the major policy to attract the FDI .

  11. 从实证分析可以看出,外资份额对我国产业劳动生产率的提高起到了积极的促进作用,但由于内外资企业存在着较大的技术差距,FDI对内资企业同时也存在着挤出作用。

    By demonstration analysis , we can conclude that FDI has the active effect on industrial productivity , but because the gap between multinationals and domestic corporations , FDI also has the extrusive effect to domestic Corps .

  12. 美国发生的新经济转型对APEC地区显然产生影响,数字鸿沟不仅是技术差距,更是经济发展的差距,对APEC发展中经济体而言,这是严峻的挑战。

    New economy which has generated in the United States has an important effect on APEC . Digital gap is not only technology gap but also economy development gap , which is a stern test to APEC developing country .

  13. 运用技术差距理论的Fagerberg经济增长模型确定了科技成果转化与经济增长关系表达式。

    Using Fagerberg economic growth model , the relational expression between technology transfer and economy is confirmed .

  14. 本文介绍了国内外煤矿用PVC、PVG整芯阻燃输送带的应用现状,分析了与国外产品的技术差距,提出了我国整芯阻燃输送带今后的发展对策和思考。

    In this paper , the present situation of PVC , PVG solid-woven fire-resistant conveyer belts for coal mines both at home and abroad is introduced , the countermeasures and consideration of developing native solid-woven fire-resistant convey belts are puts forward .

  15. 英国皇家联合军种研究院(RUSI)的马尔科姆查默斯(MalcolmChalmers)表示:中美之间的技术差距或许会缩小,但它在很长一段时间内不会消失。

    The technological gap between China and the US could narrow but it will not disappear for a long time , says Malcolm Chalmers of the Royal United Services Institute ( RUSI ) .

  16. 2SLS估计结果表明在控制了运输条件、技术差距、经济发展水平和产业结构等地区和历史因素后,政府变量对地区间产业结构差异变化有显著的负影响。

    2SLS estimation result shows that after controlling some regional and historical factors ( such as transportation , technology , economic development level and industrial structure ), the governments have significant negative effects on the inter-regional industrial structure differences .

  17. 从技术差距到迫在眉睫的贸易战等一系列工业方面的问题。

    Industrial problems ranging from technology gaps to looming trade wars .

  18. 中国足球与世界强队的技术差距分析

    Analysis on the skill disparity between Chinese football and world-level strong teams

  19. 技术差距是影响外资技术溢出效应的重要因素。

    Technology gap is an important factor affecting FDI spillover .

  20. 技术差距与外商直接投资的技术溢出效应

    Technology Gaps and Technology Spillovers of Foreign Direct Investment

  21. 提出度量企业间技术差距的技术绝对差异度与技术相对差异度。

    The technologic gap absolute coefficient and the relative coefficient is put forward .

  22. 浙江女排主要技术差距及改进对策

    The Existing Problems in Technique of Zhejiang Women Volleyball Team and Measures for Improvement

  23. 技术差距、知识产权保护与后发国技术进步

    Technology Gap , Intellectual Property Rights Protection , and Technology Progress of Lagging Countries

  24. 技术差距和跨国公司技术转移战略

    Technology Gap and MNC 's Technology Transfer Strategy

  25. 技术差距对知识溢出的影响分析

    Analyzing Influence of Technology Gap on Knowledge Spillover

  26. 中外公司之间的技术差距也在缩小。

    The technology gap between Chinese companies and their foreign peers is also diminishing .

  27. 横向合并动机与技术差距

    Incentive for Horizontal Merger and Technologic Gap

  28. 技术差距是影响一国获得国际技术扩散的重要因素。

    Technological Gap is the important factor affecting a country to obtain international technology diffusion .

  29. 本文研究了寡头垄断状况下,技术差距对企业横向合并动机的影响。

    This paper studies the influence of the technologic gap to the incentive for horizontal merger .

  30. 而理论部分则是从技术差距、需求资源关系及技术进步的角度进行分析。

    And the theory includes technology difference 、 the relationship of demanding resources and technology progress .