
  • 网络Technical checking;Technical Inspections;technical check
  1. 对机动车的安全技术检验实行社会化。

    The technical inspections of safety for motor vehicles shall be conducted by non-government institutions .

  2. 机动车安全技术检验实行社会化的地方,任何单位不得要求机动车到指定的场所进行检验。

    In the regions where technical inspections of safety of motor vehicles are conducted by non-government institutions , no entity may demand any motor vehicle to be inspected at any designated place .

  3. 随着以法医DNA检验为代表的物证鉴定技术检验灵敏度的提高,物证污染出现的可能性及其造成的危害程度都显著增加。

    With the increased sensitivity of evidence analysis methods , especially forensic DNA analysis , the risk of evidence contamination has greatly increased .

  4. 荧光标记STR分型技术检验腐败组织基因型

    The practical use of fluorescence-based STR typing technique for decomposed tissues

  5. 从各个时期显著差异表达的基因中随机挑选出6个基因,通过荧光定量PCR技术检验数字表达谱数据的准确性。

    Finally , six genes were selected at random from the genes which displayed significant changes . Then , quantitative RT-PCR assays were used to check the accuracy of the expression analysis .

  6. 流式细胞技术检验细胞结合和摄取荧光标记的低密度脂蛋白(LDL)的能力,激光共聚焦显微镜观察验证。

    The binding and internalization of LDL to LDL receptor were detected by flow cytometer ( FCM ) and co - focus microscope .

  7. 用基桩高应变检测技术检验桩身完整性PRT低应变仪检测桩基的结构完整性

    Pile High Strain Detection Technology in Testing of Pile Integrality Inspecting the structural integrity of foundation using the PRT low strain gauge

  8. 2001年至2004年,中国石化海上石油工程技术检验站与挪威船级社(DNV)成功地对胜利浅海海域的三座平台进行了量化风险评估。

    From 2001 to 2004 , Offshore Petroleum Engineering Survey of SINOPEC and DNV have performed a successful risk assessment for three platforms that located in Shengli offshore area .

  9. 根据GPS在试验中的应用实践,简述了用差分GPS(DGPS)技术检验雷达等跟踪制导设备性能的方法,并提出了几个应用DGPS检验雷达性能值得注意的问题。

    According to the practice of GPS application in trial , the method to inspect performance of detection guidance equipment is described briefly by making use of the differential GPS ( DGPS ) technique and proposes several noteworthy points in inspecting performance with DGPS .

  10. 北京华欣德机械质量技术检验中心(VMOTI)

    Beijing Vouched Machinery Quality Technical Inspection Centre ( VMQTI )

  11. 用计算机仿真技术检验自然灾害模糊风险模型

    A computer simulation method to test fuzzy risk model of natural disaster

  12. 用计算机仿真技术检验大型电流互感器的误差

    Error of Huge Current Transformer Verified with Computer Simulation Technology

  13. 二氧化碳气瓶安全性能的技术检验实践

    The Technical Test Practice of the CO_2 Cylinder Safety Performance

  14. 是的,经过技术检验,我们发现这张钞票是假钞。

    Yes , after technical examination , we find this note is counterfeit .

  15. 应用红外光谱技术检验交通肇事案件物证的研究

    Research on Detection of Evidences in Causing Traffic Trouble Cases by FT-IR Spectroscopy

  16. 此外还包括农田实地试验技术检验的结果。

    The results from verification on-farm trials are also included in this paper .

  17. 这项研究可在刑事侦察中推广使用,以拓宽刑侦技术检验鉴定的范围。

    The technology can be used more widely in the area of criminal detection .

  18. 并对换热器进行金相检查、晶间腐蚀试验等项目全面技术检验。

    An overall technical examination is presented including metallographic examination and corrosion test between crystals .

  19. 超薄层等电聚焦电泳技术检验燕麦种子的真实性

    Varietal Identification of Oat ( Avena spp. ) by Ultrathin-layer Isoelectric Focusing of Seed Protein

  20. 非破坏性的技术检验艺术作品画布健康状况

    Noninvasive Technique Gauges Art Canvas Health

  21. 同时证明应用电镜技术检验外源病毒确是一种快速而有效的方法。

    The electron microscopic technique was proved as a rapid and efficient method to detect the exotic viruse contamination .

  22. 为了测斜仪技术检验监测结果的准确性,采用有限元分析方法计算静压桩与土的相互作用效果。

    To examine the monitoring results , the finite element analysis is used to calculate the effect between jacked piles and soil .

  23. 机动车安全技术检验是确保机动车车况良好和减少道路交通事故隐患的一个重要手段。

    Vehicle security inspection is an important means to ensure the good condition of vehicles and reduce the hidden dangers of traffic accidents .

  24. 在检修时对关键部件,本单位无力检测的,必须委托有资格的技术检验单位进行检验。

    In the overhaul of key components , inability to test the unit , must be entrusted to qualified technical inspection unit for inspection .

  25. 公司拥有资深管理人员、专业设计师、生产工程师、技术检验人员以及售后安装人员。

    The company has a senior management staff , professional designers , production engineers , as well as technical inspection after the installation of officers .

  26. 申请机动车登记时,应当接受对该机动车的安全技术检验。

    At the time of application for the registration of a motor vehicle , the applicant shall accept the technical inspection of safety on the motor vehicle .

  27. 本文简要介绍了喷丸设备、喷丸强化工艺、技术检验、强化效果和强化机制,可供工程技术人员作为了解、研究以及推广喷丸技术的参考。

    The equipment , technology technical inspection , strengthening effect and mechanism of shot peening are reviewed . The paper can be used as a reference for engineers in their study , research and application of shot peening technique .

  28. 提出了利用声发射技术检验电厂阀门密封性的方法,该方法具有准确快速的特点,而且可以确定阀门的内漏程度,为检修工作提供了依据。

    The method for inspection of valve tightness by acoustic emission is submitted . It has got the accurate and quick advantage , The degree of internal leak can be determined by this method to offer the basis for maintenance .

  29. 结合我国质量技术检验机构的现状,分析了现阶段检验机构存在的问题,提出了新形势下应采取的工作对策。

    Connecting with the present situation of our country 's quality and technique test institutions , this paper analyses the problems existing in the test institutions in present stage , and puts forward some countermeasures should be taken under the new situation .

  30. 通过对吸油烟机抽吸风场有效强度矢量图的测量,给出了吸油烟机质量技术检验方法和油烟废气、燃气废气污染泄漏量的计算方法;

    The testing method of the kitchen ventilator quality , as well as the calculation method of the leakage of the oil fume and the waste gas from combustion gas are given by measuring the effective intensity vector diagram of the suction wind field for a kitchen ventilator .