
  1. 画画时你需要更好地运用技巧来控制铅笔。

    While you are drawing pictures , you need to use the skills to controlyour pencil better .

  2. 结论应用Onyx栓塞AVM可以较长时间的注胶,娴熟掌握注胶技巧和控制返流能够提高AVM的栓塞疗效。

    Conclusions Onyx contributes to increasing the embolizing effect of cerebral arteriovenous malformations by a long-time injection and a backflow controlling technique .

  3. 实时动态的物理允许技巧和控制-通过弯道漂移和剪裁都提供了巨大的顶点球员满意。

    Real-time dynamic physics allow for finesse and control-drifting through corners and clipping every apex delivers huge player satisfaction .

  4. 从理论上说,轻声唱法蕴含着全面运用声乐技巧、控制用声程度不达到极限的重要意义。

    On theory , it has the important meaning of using the skills of vocal music and controlling the degrees of vocal music .

  5. 通过应用上面介绍的技巧来控制自己的饮食习惯。当你可以自我控制时,就会有很棒的事发生。

    By applying any combination of the tips ( preferably all of them ) you take control of your eating habits , and when you take control , great things happen .

  6. 总体而言,大部分批评家从小说的主题、结构、叙述技巧、控制与秩序的思想、女性意识和杰西的性格等视角进行剖析。

    Generally speaking , most critics concentrate on its theme , structure , skills in narration , idea of control and order , its feminist consciousness as well as personality of the protagonist Jesse .

  7. 其次,归纳概括阅读方法与技巧:控制发音动作、猜词悟义、利用结构信息和关键词、注意理解句子或段落、养成集中注意力阅读的习惯。

    Secondly , we should have the reading skills and methods in hand & controlling the action of pronunciation , guessing the meaning of words according to the structure and key words , as well as cultivating the habit of concentrating on it .

  8. 杂交水稻制种杂株形成的成因、识别技巧及质量控制

    Causes , Identification Skills and Total Quality Control Countermeasures for Abnormal Plants in Rice Propagation and Production

  9. 利用对角化技巧研究最优控制问题中奇摄动的线性状态调节器问题。

    In this paper , using the diagonalization techniques , considers the singularly perturbed linear state regulator problem in the problems of the optimal control .

  10. 好物理调节是必要的通过坚韧的地面推一个,但是精确航行技巧对发现控制并且最小化距离关键旅行。

    Good physical conditioning is necessary to push one through the tough terrain , but accurate navigation skills are key to finding controls and minimizing the distance traveled .

  11. 此处我们通过分析其工作原理,研究具有代表性的控制问题,设计满足控制要求的梯形图,总结规律、掌握技巧,为PLC控制系统解决相关控制问题提供支持和帮助。

    Tally up the regulation , control the technique , and control the system to resolve the related control problem to provide the support with help for PLC .

  12. 自我监控技巧能使学生控制所得到的教师反馈,并且能促使教师形成有效的反馈。

    The technique of self-monitoring gives students control over the feedback they receive and enables teachers to produce effective feedback .

  13. 由此得出结论,在诉讼费、律师费及诉讼程序规则固定的情况下,当事人及其代理人在诉讼博弈中的技巧对减少和控制诉讼成本也具有重要影响。

    A conclusion is thus reached that the skills the litigant and attorney use in lawsuit game also have great impact on reducing and controlling litigation cost on the condition that lawsuit expense , attorney fee and lawsuit procedure rules are fixed .