
  • 网络Technological Alienation;the alienation of technology;dissimilation
  1. 从奥运会的兴奋剂问题看体育发展带来的技术异化

    Technological Dissimilation in Sport Development & from the Stimulant Abused in Olympic Games

  2. 在现当代它突出表现为人类辅助生殖技术异化和人体器官移植技术异化。

    At present , its representations are the dissimilation of human assisted reproductive technology and human organ transplant technology .

  3. 生态文明视域下的技术异化问题研究

    A Study on the Alienation of Technology in Ecological Civilization Perspective

  4. 马克思技术异化思想及其当代反响

    Marx 's idea of technological alienation and its contemporary echo

  5. 技术异化的根源在于人的活动本身。

    The root of technological alienation lies in the human activity itself .

  6. 技术异化的生成

    On the Formation of the Devolution of the Technique

  7. 管理原理五则技术异化的生成贵州崩塌灾害及其影响因素

    Devolution Disaster and Its Controlling Factors in Guizhou

  8. 技术异化根源研究

    Study on the Origin of Alienation of Technology

  9. 技术异化尽管是相对特定人群而言的,但却具有绝对性和永恒性。

    Although technical alienation is aimed at special group , it is absolute and perpetual .

  10. 技术异化是技术哲学研究的重要问题之一。

    The alienation of technology has been one of the important problems of philosophy of technology .

  11. 对技术异化的新解读

    A New Interpretation of Technology Alienation

  12. 论技术异化的必然性

    The Necessity of Technology Alienation

  13. 研究技术异化应该特别关注技术的商业化过程。

    So , technological commercialization should be taken as an important issue in the studying of technology alienation .

  14. 自然中的技术异化

    Technology Alienation in Nature

  15. 因此,厘正技术异化概念的内涵,是讨论技术异化的基点。

    Therefore , the concept of alienation technical connotation , are the basis for the discussion of technical alienation .

  16. 现代农业技术异化问题已经成为不容忽视的理论和现实问题。

    The alienate question of modern agricultural technology has already become the theoretical and realistic problem that can 't be ignored .

  17. 从消除技术异化角度看,哈氏交往行为理论包括交往行为和交往理性、语言交往的有效性要求、改善主体学习机制、建立主体间性等内容。

    The communicative activity theory comprises communicative activities , rationalities , effective linguistic requirements , and improvement of one 's learning mechanisms .

  18. 马克思对资本主义条件下技术异化的揭露,总是从异化的表象走向经济、政治及社会的深层,从中找出技术奴役人的根源和摆脱技术异化困境的出路。

    Under capitalistic condition , Marx disclosed the technological alienation from appearance to the deep layer of economy . politics and society .

  19. 技术异化可以通过多种方式或手段进行消解或弱化,技术本身就是一种十分有效的手段。

    Technical alienation can decrease and weaken this harmfulness by different ways . And technology itself is a kind of effective method .

  20. 之后,分析了导致技术异化表象的客体方面的原因与主体方面的原因。

    Then , the reason of object and the reason of subject , which causes the presentation of technological alienation , were analyzed .

  21. 在经济领域,它引发技术异化,破坏了自然环境、阻碍新知识的传播与生产;

    In economy field , it leads to technology alienation , destroys natural environment and handicaps the spreading and producing of new knowledge ;

  22. 劳动异化与技术异化比较研究及其当代启示&借马克思和马尔库塞的视角来看

    Comparative Study and Modern Enlightenment of Marx 's Labor Alienation and Marcuse 's Technique Alienation & From the Viewpoints of Marx and Marcuse

  23. 技术异化视野中的竞技体育人性化追问问话的人仍穷追不舍地问,信什么教的美国人,天主教还是新教?

    In the Technical Disassimilation Field of Vision Athletics Sports User Friendly Closely Examines American what , his questioner persisted , Catholic or Protestant ?

  24. 论述了环境危机的面对,需要环境伦理,技术异化的解决,需要科技伦理。

    Before environmental crisis , we need environmental ethics , and for overcoming technology ( technique ) alienation , we need science-technology ( technique ) ethics .

  25. 最后,以树立科学的价值理性为基点,从哲学的视角探讨了消除技术异化,实现人的自由全面发展的具体途径。

    Finally , this article discussing how to eliminate technology alienation and realizing human freedom and comprehensive development based on the scientific value rationality and philosophical perspective .

  26. 目前学术界有多种关于技术异化的定义,这些表述的不一致,带来了人们认识上的混乱。

    At present , the academic community has a variety of technologies regarding the definition of alienation , these statements are inconsistent , bringing awareness of the confusion .

  27. 对技术异化的研究一直是技术哲学领域的重要问题,但是已有的研究多是针对技术异化在各个层面的消极作用来讨论的,对异化根源的研究尚不够深入。

    The study on alienation of technology has been the important issue in the field of philosophy , but the study on this issue has been discussed concerning on the phenomenon of alienation of technology .

  28. 他的伦理思想主要包括人性异化论、技术异化论和生态危机论三个方面。

    Accordingly , Marcuse 's ethical theory consists of three aspects , that is , the theory of the alienation of human nature , of the alienation of technology , and of the ecological crisis .

  29. 单纯针对技术异化的技术批判是空洞的,而单纯针对技术负效应的技术批判又是被动的,应该树立符合中国现代化诉求的技术批判意识。

    Pure criticism on technology alienation is inane , and pure criticism on the side-effects of technology is passive . We should form our own idea of criticism on technology according to the appeal of modernization .

  30. 这一章主要通过对资本主义劳动分工和技术异化的批判,提出工人阶级要争取自主权的战略。第四部分:先进的社会主义制度是保护生态正义的必然选择。

    This chapter puts forward a strategy that the working class should fight for autonomy through critiquing capitalist division of labor and technological alienation . Part ⅳ: The advanced socialist system is an inevitable choice of protecting ecological justice .