
jì shù fàn ɡuī
  • technical foul;technical offence;mechanical error
  1. 竞走运动员技术犯规的生物力学成因的研究

    Research on Biomechanical Reason of Technical Foul for Race Walking Athletes

  2. 是否将这个技术犯规记作教练员的犯规?

    Shall this technical foul be penalized as a coach 's foul ?

  3. 而在比赛回放之后,韦斯特、汤普森和J.R.史密斯各自领到一次技术犯规。

    West , Thompson and J.R. Smith received techs after a replay review .

  4. 对第9届全运会男子50km竞走比赛中运动员技术犯规情况的调查

    Investigation of Technical Fouls of Male Walkers in 50 km Speed Walking Race of the 9 ~ ( th ) China National Games

  5. 此前维多利亚•彭多顿(VictoriaPendleton)与杰西卡•瓦尼斯(JessicaVarnish)在女子自行车团体赛半决赛中虽轻易取胜,但因技术犯规而出局,男团的胜利可以算是某种弥补。

    It was some recompense for the earlier relegation of Victoria Pendleton and Jessica Varnish for a technical offence in the semi-final of the women 's team sprint , which they had just easily won .

  6. 而一年前的这场关键之战,格林只能眼睁睁看着球队输掉却无能为力,因为他在G4袭击了詹姆斯的腹股沟之后,累计二次技术犯规而被禁赛。

    Green had sat out this very game a year ago , suspended because of flagrant foul point accumulation after he swiped at James ' groin in Game 4 .

  7. 棒子得到哨了,然后邓肯技术犯规!

    Bonzi drawing a foul and then Duncan getting a tech.

  8. 在篮球比赛中,技术犯规很有必要也很有用。

    During the basketball game , a technical foul is necessary and useful .

  9. 少儿游泳比赛运动员技术犯规研究

    Research on the Technical Foul in Children Swimming Games

  10. 请不要喊叫,再犯,判技术犯规。

    No shouting , please ! Or a technical foul will be penalized .

  11. 一个技术犯规给科比布莱恩特!

    A technical foul to Kobe Bryant !

  12. 运动员或教练在领到其第16次技术犯规后将自动停赛一场。

    A player or coach receives an automatic one-game suspension after receiving his16th technical foul .

  13. 2001广西少年儿童游泳锦标赛运动员技术犯规的探讨

    An Analysis of the Technical Fouls by the Swimmers at 2001 Guangxi Juvenile Swimming Competition

  14. 然后我退回来,这应该仅仅是一个技术犯规,我可以接受。

    I backed off , and that 's a technical foul . I 'll take it .

  15. 达拉斯队的霍华德对姚明犯规时,阿泰冲向冲突的双方导致了技术犯规。

    Artest was given the technical for running to a confrontation after Dallas'Josh Howard fouled Yao Ming .

  16. 在距离半场结束还有3分零8秒时,有一个被吹了3个技术犯规的回合,这个回合中,格林也在场上。

    Green stayed on the court in a game that featured three technicals on one play 3:08 before halftime .

  17. 对方球队也理解此时的状况。他们对裁判表示,让约翰特尔上场,不用判对方球队技术犯规。

    The opposing team understood the situation and told the referees to let Johntel play and to forget the technical foul .

  18. 直到现在杰克逊也没有被驱逐出场过吧?发生什么了,我听说他连个技术犯规都没有吃过。

    P-jax has never been ejected until now has he ? What happened ? I heard he 's never even gotten a tech.

  19. 如果非要挑我昨晚对网队表现不好的地方,那就是我吃的那个技术犯规了。

    I did get another " T " last night in New Jersey and that was the only bad part of the night .

  20. 因为考辛斯实在争议太大,他无数次轻率地领到技术犯规,在2月6日惊险获胜后辱骂勇士队,还陷入了和一位地方专栏作家的丑陋交易中。

    cursed out the Golden State Warriors after a huge upset win Feb. 6 and engaged in an ugly exchange with a local columnist .

  21. 或许在篮球史上,由裁判强制一个球队接受因对方技术犯规而获得的罚球,这还是头一次。

    For possibly the first time in basketball history , officials had to force a team to accept and take the technical free throws .

  22. 中国队的非法用手、阻挡和违体犯规类型的犯规次数少于国外强队,技术犯规次数多于国外队。

    Use handillogica , block and intended foul times were less than foreign teams ' , but the technological foul times were more than them .

  23. 联盟正在考虑给裁判执法权力,就是当裁判认为球员假摔骗犯规的话,他们可以选择吹该球员技术犯规。

    The NBA is considering giving referees the option of whistling players for technical fouls if they deem that a player has flopped in an attempt to get a call .

  24. “我当时在同尼克斯比赛,伯纳德在一次技术犯规后被判出场,他们进行了重赛(对费城)”杰克逊说。

    " I was playing in a ballgame with the Knicks and Bernard King was thrown out incorrectly after one technical , and they replayed the ballgame ( against Philadelphia )," Jackson said .

  25. 拉塞尔-维斯布鲁克在短时间内领到了两次技术犯规,在与裁判争论无果后被驱逐出场。他与裁判争论的点是他感觉马克-加索尔投出了三不沾,所以灰熊的进攻时间不该被调回24秒。

    Russell Westbrook was called for two quick technical fouls and ejected after arguing with officials over what he felt was an incorrect shot-clock reset on an air ball in the third quarter .

  26. 在绝境中,库里没能投中反超比分的3分球,后来勇士队因为叫了一个已经用完了的暂停被吹罚技术犯规,给了伦纳德一次罚球机会,最终剩下0.9秒。

    Stephen Curry missed a contested 3-pointer in the waning moments before Golden State called a timeout it didn 't have , giving Leonard a technical free throw with 0.9 seconds left to seal it .

  27. 本研究得出结论:1.哈尔滨市少年儿童游泳运动员技术犯规率接近四分之一,其中混合泳犯规率最高,其次是蛙泳和仰泳,蝶泳和自由泳犯规相对较少,接力犯规最少。

    The technical fouls rate of Harbin juvenile swimmer is nearly a quarter ; the foulest type is medley swimming ; followed by the breaststroke and backstroke , the foul of butterfly and freestyle is small , relay foul at least . 2 .

  28. 本文以第17届世界杯竞走比赛和第8届全运会预选赛的中外运动员28人次为样本,对竞走技术中腾空犯规的临界值进行了生物力学研究。

    In this paper , the author has done a biomechanical analysis on 28 Chinese and foreign walkers in world cup and 8th National Games .