
qí pàn
  • hope;wish
  • earnestly hope
  1. 祈盼你早日康复。

    We earnestly hope that you will recover soon .

  2. 您的付出、您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。

    Your pay , your hope , only for our growth .

  3. 过上幸福生活是村里人的祈盼。

    To lead a happy life is the villagers'hope .

  4. 自金融危机爆发以来,华尔街各银行失去首席财务官(CFO)的速度一直高得出奇。在投资者祈盼金融业恢复稳定之际,这样的趋势令他们感到不安。

    Wall Street banks have been losing chief financial officers at an unusually high rate since the financial crisis , a trend that is unnerving investors at a time when they crave a return to stability in the sector .

  5. 农民们祈盼来年粮食大丰收。

    The farmers hope to have a good harvest next year .

  6. 我祈盼能够靠近这份遗失的安宁

    I 'm hoping to get close to a peace I cannot find

  7. 我祈盼望让我所有的债务都消失。

    I would like to wish away all my debts .

  8. 我祈盼那再回之期

    I wish the day it soon would come

  9. 她吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,心中祈盼能得到一个新的玩偶。

    She blew out the candles on her birthday cake and wished for a new .

  10. 盼团圆,是海峡两岸骨肉兄弟的殷切祈盼。

    Wish and reunion , The Cross-Straits blood brothers ardent to pray for and wish .

  11. 我希望并祈盼你们所有人都会加入到这项努力之中。

    And I hope and pray that all of you will join me in that effort .

  12. 因此,东郭子默不作声地看着庄子,用祈盼的眼光,等待着他的解答。

    So , he looked at Chuang Tzu quietly with expectation to petition him for the answer .

  13. 带着收获和祈盼同学又将编织另一个新的梦想。

    The students will weave another dream together , drawing on the experience and hopes that came out of the festival .

  14. 反映了当时人们的审美取向和希望长生不老、祈盼羽化升仙的追求,也正体现了秦汉时期文化艺术的蓬勃发展。

    Reflecting the aesthetic orientation and hope , hope ever-young eclosion about pursuit , is also reflected in the Qin and Han Dynasties culture and art development .

  15. 虽然再没有野兽“年”迫在眉睫的威胁,人们仍然贴这些海报,祈盼一年欢乐、繁荣和好运。

    Though there is no longer the looming threat of Nian the beast , people still hang these posters wish people joy , prosperity and good fortune throughout the year .

  16. 本公司是专业机械设计/造商;成员从事本行业均超过十五年以上经验,祈盼顾客继续支持及爱戴。

    Our company is a mechanical design of the speciality / manufacturers ; Member engaged in trade this over one year more than experience , praying wishes customers to continue supporting and loving .

  17. 为了颂扬陈纳德将军的精神与伟绩以及我们对和平的祈盼祝愿,今天我们在这飞虎队员们曾经战斗并取得无数战役胜利的地方为陈纳德将军的雕像揭幕。

    Today we unveil his statue in the land where the Flying Tigers has fought and won a lot of battles before to pay tribute to him and to show our yearning for peace .

  18. 生殖崇拜作为世界文化史上一个普遍存在的现象,在我国稻作文化中有着诸多的反映,它往往与人们祈盼谷物丰收的活动紧密联系在一起。

    As an universal phenomenon of world culture history , reproductive worship has many reflections in rice cultivation culture of our country . It is often closely connected with activities that people hoped grain harvest .

  19. 在伦敦的皇家法院这幢建筑内,来自肯尼亚反殖民运动—茅茅起义的退伍老兵们正祈盼这50多年来的斗争即将进行到终章。

    At the Royal Courts of Justice building in London , veterans from Kenya 's Mau Mau uprising , an anti-colonial movement , are gearing up for what they hope will be the final chapter in a 50-year struggle .

  20. 鸟巢里众多的观众双手手指交叉,祈盼着奇迹的出现。9秒99!苏炳添在半决赛中以优异的成绩顺利成为决赛中九位“飞人”中的一员。

    With the huge crowd at the Bird 's Nest keeping their fingers crossed and hoping for a miracle , Su delivered a national record-tying result of 9.99 seconds in the semifinals to qualify as one of the nine fastest men in the world .

  21. 中国话说采——“塞”这个词听起来像是财,因此采青的一个典型表演包括狮子将蔬菜包上一个红色的袋子放在尾部或挂在天花板来祈盼商业前景。

    The Chinese words " Cai " is ' plug ' sounds like the word for wealth also pronounces " Cai , " thus a typical performance involve the lion plugging vegetables that are placed on the tail or hang for the ceiling with a red packet outside for business premisses .