
  1. 麦琪:你妹妹拿好了书本笔记本纸张铅笔讲义夹绘图仪器。

    Maggie : well your sister has her books , notebooks , paper , pencils , binders , course dividers .

  2. 本期主题:TheGiftoftheMagi麦琪的礼物录制地点:德国柏林---欧亨利麦琪的礼物----欧亨利

    The Gift of the Magi - O. Henry

  3. 另两位任期最长的苹果董事是:J.Crew首席执行官麦琪o德勒克斯勒,他于1999年加入董事会;以及美国前副总统阿尔o戈尔,他加入董事会的时间是2003年。

    The two other longest serving Apple directors are Mickey Drexler , CEO of J. Crew , who has been on the board since 1999 , and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore , a director since 2003 .

  4. 这里是史蒂夫和麦琪的《快乐万圣节》节目。

    It 's Steve and Maggie - Happy Halloween ! Oh !

  5. 总觉得是自己毁掉了麦琪的生活

    He 's convinced that he 's ruined Maggie 's life .

  6. 麦琪一定很喜欢开这辆巨轮卡车。

    Oh , Maggie would love driving in this monster truck .

  7. 麦琪则是一个公主什么的。

    And Maggie was , like , a princess or something .

  8. 他能帮我劝说麦琪不要搬到西雅图吗

    Can he help me prevent Maggie from moving to Seattle ?

  9. 然后麦琪要把他的孩子带离这个国家

    and now Maggie 's moving his kid across the country .

  10. 麦琪打遍爱丁堡,巴黎,布鲁塞尔和阿姆斯特丹

    Maggie fought in Edinburgh and Paris , Brussels and Amsterdam .

  11. 哦,麦琪,谢谢你帮我准备了这么棒的生日。

    Oh , Maggie , thank you for an awesome birthday .

  12. 麦琪,他已经15岁了。

    Jason : Maggie , he 's fifteen years old now .

  13. 哦,那不是麦琪,是蝙蝠!

    Oh that 's not Maggie , it 's a bat !

  14. 能让他朋友麦琪补缺你认识她吗

    for his friend named Maggie . Do you know her ?

  15. 麦琪对她母亲很恼火

    A lot of anger from Maggie . Towards mom .

  16. 我叫麦琪,是他的助理。

    My name 's Maggie and I 'm his assistant .

  17. 麦琪:我一直在准备出国留学。

    Maggie : I 've been preparing and studying to go abroad .

  18. 但是,听!那是什么声音,麦琪?

    But listen , what 's that noise , Maggie ?

  19. 麦琪,真是谢谢你请我来你家吃饭。

    Well , thanks so much for having me over , Maggie .

  20. 不,我不会这么做的,麦琪。

    No , I wont do no such thing maggie .

  21. 你说的话伤透了麦琪的感情。

    What you have said has seriously wounded the feeling of maggie .

  22. 我想在万圣节捉弄一下麦琪。

    I want to play my Halloween trick on Maggie .

  23. 麦琪没花多少时间就取得连胜

    Didn 't take Maggie long to hit her stride .

  24. 麦琪,安静一点。你这只淘气、顽皮的小鸟。

    Maggie , be quiet , you naughty naughty bird .

  25. 哦,麦琪,来吧孩子们,跟我一起说。

    Oh Maggie , come on boys and girls say with me .

  26. 我想我知道麦琪为什么愤怒

    I think I know why Maggie 's so angry .

  27. 哦,不过那是麦琪,是吗?

    Oh but that was Maggie , wasn 't it ?

  28. 不过,麦琪,我不想要金色的长卷发。

    But Maggie , I don 't want long wavy blond hair .

  29. 念一段麦琪的魔法咒语,头发就理好了。

    With a little Maggie Magic my haircut is done .

  30. 去找麦琪吧她才是那个

    No , go after Maggie , because she 's actually