
  • 网络MCAllen;The Macallan;McCarran
  1. 麦卡伦,珍品(TheMacallanRare),来自苏格兰高地的甜味苏格兰威士忌,只在美国发售

    The Macallan Rare : Sweet States-only Scotch from the Scottish Highlands

  2. 麦卡伦麦芽酒产品负责人肯•格里尔(KenGrier)说:这是我们第一次在亚洲发布产品。

    ' It 's the first time we 're launching a product in Asia , ' Ken Grier , director of Malts at the Macallan , told the Journal .

  3. 据欧睿数据,麦卡伦母公司爱丁顿集团(EdringtonGroup)目前以24%的份额占中国单一麦芽威士忌市场的第二位。持有威士忌品牌Grant’s的格兰父子公司(WilliamGrant&Sons)则以34%的市占率位居第一。

    Edrington Group , which owns Macallan , currently holds second place in China for single-malt whiskies with a 24 % share , behind the 34 % share held by William Grant & Sons , which owns the whisky label Grant 's , according to Euromonitor .

  4. 他的最新工作是第五届麦卡伦年度摄影大师项目(MacallanMastersofPhotography),安妮·莱博维茨(AnnieLeibovitz)和艾伯特·沃森(AlbertWatson)等知名摄影师都为它拍过照片,该项目是苏格兰克莱拉奇的威士忌制造商麦卡伦发起的,目的是展示这个品牌。

    His latest project is the fifth annual Macallan Masters of Photography , an initiative from the whisky producer based in Craigellachie , Scotland , in which well-known photographers like Annie Leibovitz and Albert Watson shoot pictures intended to showcase the brand .

  5. 麦卡伦(Macallan)从19世纪初以来就一直在苏格兰的斯佩赛德(Speyside)生产单一麦芽威士忌,但它5月30日发布一款新品却是在香港。

    The Macallan has been making single-malt whisky in Speyside , Scotland , since the early 19th century , but on Thursday it released a new product in Hong Kong .

  6. 缅因州龙虾业者协会(MaineLobstermen'sAssociation)执行理事帕特里斯&12539;麦卡伦(PatriceMcCarron)说,如果在五年内供应量增加80%,到消费者支出疲软的时候,价格就很难保持增长步伐。

    ' When you increase supply by 80 % in five years , ' it is hard for prices to keep up when consumer spending is weak , says Patrice McCarron , executive director of the Maine Lobstermen 's Association , which represent the state 's fishermen .

  7. 带他们开车北上,穿过国界到麦卡伦。

    Drive them up north , across the border into mcallen .

  8. 麦卡伦和莱丽在过去也有过合作。

    The Macallan and Lalique have teamed up in the past .

  9. 在满天飞舞的雪花中,麦卡伦和妻子紧紧地拥抱在一起。

    Dance in the flying snow , the McAllen and his wife hugged tightly .

  10. 一些移民在边界登记了之后就被带到了麦卡伦。

    Some immigrants are brought to McAllen after they have been registered at the border .

  11. 格里尔将麦卡伦的持续增长归功于该公司有节制的扩张方针。

    Mr. Grier attributed the Macallan 's continued growth to its measured approach to expansion .

  12. 不止麦卡伦一家威士忌厂商在推销价格昂贵的限量版产品。

    The Macallan isn 't alone among Scotch distillers in promoting its products with expensive limited editions .

  13. 问:关于你在北京拍摄的那些照片,麦卡伦最后发布了一组人物照片。

    Q. The final images the Macallan is releasing from your time in Beijing are of people .

  14. 为了解救妻子和在空中的众多客机,麦卡伦不得不再次进行艰苦的努力。

    In order to rescue his wife and a number of planes in the air , McAllen had to work hard again .

  15. 据格里尔说,现在麦卡伦产出的一半威士忌都是卖往亚洲,台湾是其中最大的市场。

    Asia now consumes half of the Macallan 's production , with Taiwan being the largest market , according to Mr. Grier .

  16. 这则消息对于备战即将到来的第一场与英格兰的要麦卡伦杯友谊赛的希腊队来说一个不小的打击。

    The news is a blow for Greece ahead of their trip to face England in Steve mcclaren 's first game in charge .

  17. 同年,麦卡伦夫妇提起诉讼,另有一名少年在听了这首臭名昭著的歌曲之后自杀身亡。

    The very same year the McCollums filed their lawsuit , another teen took his own life after listening to the notorious song .

  18. 杜鲁门总统与后来大多数的评论家实际上未能理解麦卡伦法案导致产生的有限变化所具有的全部潜在影响力。

    President Truman and most subsequent commentators really failed to understand the full potential impact of the limited changes wrought by the McCarran Act .

  19. 我们的失业率是8.6,而沿着边境的其他城市,例如麦卡伦是11.2,布朗斯维尔是10.5。

    Our unemployment is at 8.6 while other cities along the border , for instance , McAllen is 11.2 unemployment , Brownsville at 10.5 .

  20. 1944年最高法院推翻保罗与维吉尼亚州事件的决定,规定联邦反垄断法适用于保险业,从此国会对保险几乎拥有完全的控制权。三是《麦卡伦一佛格森法》。

    In 1944 the Supreme Court overthrew the decision in Paul versus Virginia and decided that the federal anti-monopoly law could also be applied in insurance .

  21. 麦卡伦以干爽芬芳的苏格兰威士忌闻名,此次提供一款特供美国的酒品,只在欧罗索雪利酒桶中陈化,巧妙地取名为珍品酒桶。

    Known for its dry and fragrant Scotch , the Macallan is now offering a special States-only release aged exclusively in oloroso sherry casks , aptly called Rare Cask .

  22. 如果麦卡伦要考虑其他人比我优先既话,咁我唔认为任何人可以埋怨我决定集中精神为利物浦效力啰。

    If Steve McClaren 's chosen people ahead of me then I don 't think anyone can really complain if I would rather concentrate and save myself for Liverpool games .

  23. 麦卡伦表示其销量未受中国反腐败和整顿送礼之风行动的影响,其在中国的增长速度仍然是双位数。

    The Macallan said its sales have been unaffected by China 's anti-corruption and gift-giving measures , maintaining that growth in the country remains in the ' double digits . '

  24. 演出将会通过巨型的15米高的机器人版迈克尔进行宣传,它在内华达沙漠行走就能看见麦卡伦机场。

    The show would be promoted by a massive , 15-meter ( 50 ft ) tall robot version of Michael , which would roam through the Nevada desert within view of McCarran airport .

  25. 很快,麦卡伦的父母指控奥斯本煽动他们的儿子自杀,并声称自己的儿子被“自杀是唯一的解脱”之类的歌词洗脑。

    McCollum 's parents were quick to accuse Osbourne of encouraging their son to commit suicide , claiming that lyrics like , " Suicide is the only way out , " had brainwashed him .

  26. 麦卡伦公司正在销售一款限量版组合,内容包括特斯蒂诺拍摄的四张照片和一瓶威士忌,这瓶威士忌是用六桶不同风味的单一麦芽威士忌混合调制的(高档酒类专卖店有售,3500美元)。

    The Macallan is selling a limited number of prints of four photographs taken by Mr. Testino along with a bottle of whisky that is a blend of a half-dozen single malts ( available for $ 3500 at premium liquor stores ) .

  27. 我们的失业率是8.6%,而其他边境城市,例如麦卡伦的失业率是11.2%,布朗斯威尔是10.5%。

    Our unemployment is at 8.6 while other cities along the border , for instance , McAllen is 11.2 unemployment , Brownsville at 10.5 . So we have been very , very and the money that we have received has been very positive because it is stimulating jobs and is helping us for infrastructure purposes . PHILLIPS : OK .