
  • 网络Finger biscuits;Lady finger;lady's finger;Ladyfinger
  1. 手指饼干要烘焙到摸起来弹性刚好,立即拿出。

    Sponge fingers had to be baked until they were just springy to the touch , and not a moment more .

  2. 如果接受礼物的人是亲戚的话,那些因为只有蕴含了只有家人才懂的含义的备受家里人喜欢的礼物亦会是一个不错的选择,例如亲自烘焙奶奶的招牌手指饼干。

    If it 's a relative , try a family favorite that only they would understand , like baking grandma 's lady finger cookies .

  3. 但是,我很钦佩他们。享受着鸡尾酒、法国面包、手指饼干、芝士火锅等美食,他们中许多人依然保持苗条身材。而美国人虽努力减肥,却暴饮无糖饮料、暴食精益美食。

    But certainly I admired how so many of them stayed trim while enjoying coq au vin , baguettes , andouillettes , eclairs and fondue while Americans struggled with their weight while gorging on diet soda and Lean Cuisines .

  4. 我看见她手指还在饼干盒里呢。

    I caught her with her fingers in the biscuit tin .