
shǒu shù qì xiè
  • surgical instruments
  1. 他的外科手术器械是一把刀和一把钳子。

    His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers .

  2. 所有的外科手术器械在使用之前,必须消毒。

    All surgical instruments must be sterilised before use .

  3. 目的:1、利用CAD软件对几种常用手术器械进行工业实体建模。

    Purpose : 1 . To create industrial entity models for some common surgical instruments with CAD ; 2 .

  4. 运用PDCA循环法管理外来手术器械的效果研究

    Management Effect of Rent Surgical Instruments with Cycle Management Method of PDCA

  5. 对于虚拟手术器械,采用基于三维造型软件进行建模的方法;对于虚拟手术对象,采用对CT断层扫描图像数据集进行三维重建的方法。

    For virtual surgical instruments , modeling approaches based on Solidworks are adapted ; for virtual surgical objects , 3D reconstruction methods with respect to their CT image data are studied .

  6. 术中应用ICP算法实现CT模型与患者位置的空间配准,根据术前标定的位置与方向实时准确地跟踪手术器械的空间位置并在系统中显示,实现器械的可视化与实时跟踪。

    After registration between the CT model and the patient site in intra-operation , the system accurately displays the STL model of the instruments according to the tracked site and orientations .

  7. 采用GEL凝胶动力学引擎,即填充球模型中引入一种骨架技术,模拟软体的动力学特性及整体形变,进行手术器械与人体的碰撞检测。

    First , we chose the GEL dynamics engine , which is a filling sphere model introduced a skeleton technology , to simulate the dynamic characteristic and overall deformation of deformable body , and to get the result of collision detection .

  8. 通过编写接口程序,在OpenGL环境下基于三角形网格造型法重新构建器官和手术器械模型的面模型。

    The triangle-feature face model of human organs and surgery apparatus are rebuilt in the circumstance of OpenGL through compiling the interface programs between the training system and the modeling software such as 3DS MAX and Pro / E.

  9. 利用Solidworks软件设计的两种新型手术器械-乳腺皮瓣剥离手术刀和可降解小肠端端吻合支架,工程图符合专利申报及生产要求,顺利申报两项国家实用新型专利。

    The two new surgical instruments designed with Solidworks , flap dissector of breast and biodegradable end-to-end intestinal anastomosis stent , conformed to the requirement of patent declaration and become Utility Model Patent successfully . 3 .

  10. 结论外科技术提高和新的手术器械彭氏多功能解剖器(PMOD)的应用能提高胆囊癌切除率。

    Conclusions Surgical tech nique progress and application with Peng 's Multifunctional Operative Dissector can improve the resection rate of GBC .

  11. 实验用品(1)主要器材恒温水浴箱,热敏电阻温度计(精度±0.2℃),自制5F导管,吸引器,手术器械,X线透视机等。

    2 . 1 Main equipments Thermostatic waterbath box , thermistor-meter thermometer ( precision ; 0 . 2 ) , 5F catheter , aspirater , surgical instruments , X-ray fluoroscopic machine , etc.

  12. 特殊手术器械如多功能手术解剖器(PMOD)的应用有助于提高肿瘤切除率和淋巴结清除率。

    The application of special surgery apparatus , such as Peng 's Multifunctional Operative Dissector ( PMOD ), may increase the resection rate of tumor and lymph nodules .

  13. 于胸骨切迹上自然皮纹处切取小切口(长度15~25mm),置入0°4mm鼻内镜,在直视或监视器下以常规手术器械完成甲状腺手术。

    The thyroid operations were performed through a 15 ~ 25 mm single horizontal skin incision just above the sternal notch , after inserting a 4 mm 0 ° sinus endoscope under direct watch or TV-assisted operation with conventional instruments .

  14. 使用美国Alcon超声乳化仪,常规显微手术器械,于上方巩膜缘后2mm作长约3.5mm的巩膜隧道切口,穿刺入前房,注入粘弹剂Viscoat(Alcon公司生产)0.25mL;

    Alcon phacoemulsification apparatus ( USA ) and routine microsurgical instruments were used . A 3.5-mm incision was made on sclerotic tunnel at 2 mm posterior to superior limbus of sclera , punctured into the anterior chamber , then 0.25 mL Viscoat ( Alcon ) was infused .

  15. 医院外来手术器械的清洗灭菌管理探讨

    Cleaning and Sterilization of Rent Instruments in Hospitals : A Discussion

  16. 腹腔镜手术器械在经肛门直肠肿瘤切除术中的应用

    The application of laparoscope operation instrument in transanal rectal tumor resection

  17. 目的探讨安全、快速的腹腔镜手术器械灭菌方法。

    Objective To study the effective sterilization method of laparoscopic instruments .

  18. 不同保湿处理方法对手术器械清洁效果的影响

    Washing Effect of Surgical Instruments under Different Methods to Keep Moist

  19. 许多手术器械、汽车工具和零件也都是用不锈钢做的。

    So are many surgical tools and automotive tools and parts .

  20. 腹腔镜手术器械2种灭菌方法的比较

    A contrast study about 2 type of sterilization of laparoscopic instruments

  21. 手术器械示意图在手术室带教中的应用

    The application of operation appliance schematic diagram in operation room practice

  22. 手术器械不同专业人员管理效果评价

    Evaluation on the management effects of surgical instruments by different professionals

  23. 手术器械低温锻造常见缺陷原因分析

    Analysis of familiar defects of low-temperature forging on operating instruments

  24. 手术器械的专业清洗与质量管理

    The professional cleaning and the quality management of the surgical operation apparatus

  25. 含氯消毒剂对手术器械残余血清洗效果观察

    The Effect of Chlorine Disinfectants in Cleaning Remaining Blood on Operation Apparatus

  26. 手术器械医用润滑剂不同使用方法比较研究

    Lubricant Oil for Medical Surgical Instruments : Two Application Methods

  27. 全自动超声波手术器械清洗机的研制

    Development of an Automatic Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine for Surgical Instruments

  28. 提出了手术器械高精度重建算法。

    Propose the high precision reconstruction algorithm of surgery instruments .

  29. 目的为提高医院手术器械清洗质量,防止医院感染。

    OBJECTIVE To enhance the quality of cleaning and avoid nosocomial infection .

  30. 手术器械浸泡消毒装置的研制与应用

    Making and application of soak degermation apparatus for surgical instrument