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  1. 6-BA对小麦花后C/N物质运转和籽粒品质的影响

    Effects of 6-BA on carbon and nitrogen assimilate translocation after anthesis and quality formation in wheat

  2. 采用大田试验,研究了叶面喷施硒肥对小麦花后旗叶中SOD活性、MDA含量、子粒含硒量以及产量的影响。

    The effects of selenium fertilization , sprayed on leaves , on SOD enzyme activity and MDA content of wheat flag leaf and grain selenium content and yield after anthesis of wheat were studied in field experiment .

  3. 麦花臣式悬吊普遍用于小车上。

    MacPherson strut suspension system is wildly used in small cars .

  4. 在蛋白质蛋白质质量不高.预处理过程中大麦花药蛋白质变化的研究

    Changes of water-soluble protein of anthers during the pretreatment period in barley

  5. 大麦花后氮素养分和品质的动态模拟

    Simulation Models on Nitrogen Nutrient and Grain Quality after Anthesis in Barley

  6. 活力王对小麦花后源库流的调节控制

    Adjustment on Source , Sink and Transport After Wheat Bloom

  7. 从花培品种的选育谈小麦花培育种策略

    Breeding Strategy for Wheat Variety Derived by Anther Culture

  8. 大麦花培育种的绿苗高效再生

    Efficient green plant regeneration from Barley Anther Culture applied to double haploid breeding

  9. 土壤干湿交替对小麦花前碳同化物分配的影响

    Effects of distribution of fore-anthesis carbon assimilates of wheat under soil dry-wet alternation

  10. 氮素形态对小麦花后干物质积累与分配的影响

    Effects of Nitrogen Forms on Wheat Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution after Blooming

  11. 利用固化技术生产麦花啤

    Producing Wheat Blossom Beer with Immobilization Technique

  12. 小黑麦花药培养的研究

    Studies on the anther culture of Triticale

  13. 不同耕作方式对小麦花后干物质积累及产量的影响

    Effect of different farming methods on dry matter accumulation of dry land wheat after blooming

  14. 氮素形态对小麦花后不同器官内源激素含量的影响

    Effects of nitrogen forms on Endogenous Plant Hormones Content in different organs of wheat after anthesis

  15. 春小麦花后光合特性及与产量和蛋白质作用效应的氮肥调控效应

    Regulating Effect of Nitrogen on Photosynthetic Character of Spring Wheat after Anthesis and Yield and Protein

  16. 氮肥运筹对小麦花后剑叶衰老及籽粒发育的影响

    Effects of nitrogen application methods on flag leaf senescence after anthesis and grain development in Wheat

  17. 低温对小麦花培愈伤组织绿苗分化率的影响

    Effects of cold temperature on the green plantlet differentiation rate of calli in anther culture of wheat

  18. 硒肥对小麦花后旗叶生理特性和子粒含硒量及产量的影响

    Effect of Selenium Fertilization on Flag Leaf Physiological Characteristics and Grain Selenium Content and Yield after Anthesis of Wheat

  19. 高温下干旱和渍水对冬小麦花后旗叶光合特性和物质转运的影响

    Effects of drought and waterlogging on flag leaf post-anthesis photosynthetic characteristics and assimilates translocation in winter wheat under high temperature

  20. 氮肥基追比对啤酒大麦花后叶片光合特性、干物质分配及产量的影响

    Effects of ratios of basal to topdressed nitrogen on post-anthesis photosynthesis , dry matter distribution and grain yield in malting barley

  21. 基于上述假设,在干物质积累与氮素积累关系研究的基础上,建立了大麦花前氮素积累的动态模型。

    Based on these assumptions , the dynamic models of nitrogen accumulation were constructed by relationship between dry matter accumulation and the nitrogen accumulation .

  22. 结果发现,黑麦花药中胼胝质的合成最早出现在造孢细胞晚期,并首先在小孢子囊中央的造孢细胞中沉积,随后向小孢子囊两端的细胞扩展。

    It was found that the callose component initially occurred at late sporogenous cells stage in the cells located in center of microsporangium , and late extended towards the cells lying at its two ends .

  23. 在此基础上建立了大麦花后氮素吸收转移模型,其中,叶片氮的转移与叶面积指数呈指数关系。

    Based on these hypothesis , the nitrogen absorption and remobilization model after anthesis were constructed . In the model , the relationship between leaf nitrogen remobilization and the leaf area index were described with exponential functions .

  24. 氮磷配施对济麦22花后光合特性及产量的影响

    Effect of Application of Phosphorus Combined with Nitrogen Fertilizer on Photosynthetic Characteristics after Anthesis and Yield in Jimai 22

  25. 麦套夏花生生育特点及干物质积累分配规律的研究

    Studies on the characteristics of growth and development and the dynamics of dry matter accumulation and distribution of summer peanut Interplanted in Wheat

  26. 与条播栽培方式相比,稻麦套种小麦花后地上部器官的游离氨基酸含量和籽粒蛋白质、湿面筋含量等主要品质指标均较低,二者差异显著。

    Comparing with CD , the free amino acid content and the main grain quality indexes including the content of grain protein , wet gluten and sedimentation of IP were significantly lower .

  27. 人工传粉后玉米花粉能很快在莜麦柱头上萌发并长入莜麦花柱中,在68%的莜麦花柱中可观察到不只一条玉米花粉管。

    Crosses . The maize pollen readily germinated on the naked oat stigma and more than one pollen tubes grew into the style in about 68 % of florets .