
  • 网络Mckinnon;Mackinnon;Ronald McKinnon
  1. 麦金农走下甲板,来到军官们的住处。

    Mckinnon went down from deck to the officers ' quarters .

  2. “哎呀,哎呀!”麦金农叹息道,“你也一样。”

    ' Oh dear , oh dear . ' McKinnon sighed . ' You , too . '

  3. 斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)国际经济学教授罗纳德麦金农(RonaldMcKinnon)最近就进行了令人信服的论证,称美国应当小幅加息。

    Ronald McKinnon , professor of international economics at Stanford University , recently made a convincing case for a moderate increase in US interest rates .

  4. 自从20世纪70年代初美国经济学家麦金农(RonaldMckin-non)和肖(EdwardShaw)提出金融深化以来,该理论逐渐发展成为发展经济学的重要组成部分,并对广大发展中国家的经济实践产生了巨大的影响。

    Since the famous theory of financial deepening brought forward by Mackinon and Edward Shaw in 1970s , it has been one of the most important part of Development Economics and used to guide the practice of developing countries .

  5. 罗纳德麦金农(ronaldmckinnon)会认为,政府在推行一项合理的汇率政策,以此作为一个货币锚定手段,而国际收支盈余过剩完全是储蓄过剩的结果。

    Ronald McKinnon would argue that the state is pursuing a rational policy of fixing exchange rates , as a monetary anchor , while the balance of payments surpluses are simply the result of excess savings .

  6. 莉莉麦金农:你知道咱们拥有相似的胎记吗?

    Lily mckinnon : did you know we 've got the same mole ?

  7. 麦金农是一个叫作“无标签”团体的共同创办人,这个团体的目的是促进跨党派合作。

    McKinnon is co-founder of a group called ' No Labels ' that promotes bipartisan cooperation .

  8. 麦金农说,淘宝上有20多万件假冒的新百伦产品在出售。

    Mr. McKinnon said that more than 200,000 fake New Balance products were for sale on Taobao .

  9. 什么时候有可能改变呢?回答在于麦金农教授所称的“冲突的美德”。

    So when might it change ? The answer lies in what Prof McKinnon calls " conflicted virtue " .

  10. 麦金农和肖开创的金融发展理论,为发展中国家实行利率市场化改革提供了理论依据。

    McKinnon and Shaw pioneered the theory of financial development which provide theoretical base of developing country s market-oriented reform of interest .

  11. 性骚扰概念最早出现在20世纪70年代的美国,是由美国女权主义法学家凯瑟琳.麦金农首先提出的。

    The concept of sexual harassment appears in US at first in 1970s , and it is proposed by US feminism jurist Catharine A Mackinnon .

  12. 麦金农的负风险溢价理论说明,在流动性陷阱的情况下,日本银行业很难赢利。

    Rishi Goyal sand Ronald Mckinnon theory of negative risk premium shows that Japans banks are hard to make profit under the circumstances of liquidity trap .

  13. 麦金农称,阿里巴巴要求他标记出希望移除的每件仿冒品。鉴于假货数量之多,这项任务几乎不可能完成。

    Mr. McKinnon said he was required to flag each individual counterfeit listing he wanted removed , an impossible task with so many fakes for sale .

  14. 麦金农、肖(1973)在研究发展中国家的金融抑制和金融深化问题时,提出非正规金融理论。

    Mackinon and Shaw ( 1973 ) came up with the informal finance theory when they researched the finance restraining and the deepening of the finance in developing countries .

  15. 麦金农说,总体而言,与阿里巴巴的合作对于新百伦而言是一次良好的经历,公司由此获得了接触成百上千万新消费者的途径。

    Over all , Mr. McKinnon said the experience with Alibaba had been a good one for New Balance , giving the company access to millions of new consumers .

  16. 然而,英国一些法院表示,即便由它们来决定,它们也倾向于让麦金农去美国接受审判。

    However , the courts said that , even if it had been up to them , they would have preferred his trial to take place in the US .

  17. 麦金农说,新百伦一在天猫设立旗舰店,阿里巴巴在移除假冒运动鞋方面似乎就表现得更主动了。

    And in an apparent quid pro quo , Mr. McKinnon said once New Balance established a shop on Tmall , Alibaba appeared more eager to remove listings for knockoff sneakers .