
  • 网络Macleod;mcleod;Hugh Macleod
  1. 请代我向麦克劳德小姐问候。

    Please give my greeting to miss macleod .

  2. 赛艇运动员AlexPartridge和冰球明星汉娜•麦克劳德在Twitter上呼吁大家能找到他们都认为是周三早上早些时候被偷走的奥运铜牌。

    Rower Alex Partridge and hockey star Hannah Macleod took to Twitter to appeal for information to find their Olympic bronze medals which they believe were taken in the early hours of Wednesday morning .

  3. Gravity应用程序创建者为加州设计师瑞恩•麦克劳德。曾在其博客中发表了媒介的发展过程。

    Gravity was created by California-based design engineer Ryan McLeod who posted a blog about the development process on Medium .

  4. 他目前正极力赞扬伊恩麦克劳德。

    He 's now singing the praises of lain .

  5. 麦克劳德?是的,最近新闻媒体中报道他比较多。

    Mcleod ? Yes , he 's been in the news a lot recently .

  6. 这些才是麦克劳德声明需要立法背后未明说的原因。

    These were the unspoken reasons behind macleod 's statement that legislation was necessary .

  7. 麦克劳德表示:我们预期,与寻求投资于其它市场的中国客户进行合作的机会将会非常多。

    We foresee a lot of opportunities to work with Chinese clients seeking to invest in other markets , Mr Macleod says .

  8. 麦克劳德表示,这种状况必须改变。他指出,未来的跨国公司将来自当前的新兴市场。

    That has to change , says Mr Macleod , who points out that tomorrow 's multinationals will come from today 's emerging markets .

  9. 在英国女子曲棍球队击败新西兰队确保奖牌后,28岁的麦克劳德在2012年伦敦奥运会上获得了铜牌。

    Macleod , 28 , achieved bronze at London 2012 after Team GB 's women 's hockey team beat New Zealand to secure a medal .

  10. 麦克劳德还推测原因可能是,称量物品可能会损坏显示屏。但仍希望苹果改变主意。

    He also speculated that the reason may be because weighing items using the screen could damage the display and is hoping Apple changes its mind .

  11. 9月29日麦克劳德先生将此应用程序推荐给苹果应用商店。但是,10月7日,苹果拒绝此软件上线。原因是“称重软件的理念不恰当。”

    Mr McLeod submitted the app to the Apple App Store on 29 September , but it was rejected on 7 October because ' the concept of a scale app was not appropriate ' .

  12. “媒体关注也可能有害,如果他们被视为是过度谋利或唯利是图,”麦克劳德说,“他们必须小心,不能站到有品位的对立面。”

    " The media profile can become toxic if they are seen to be overly profiteering or mercenary ," Macleod said . " They just need to be careful that they don 't step on the wrong side of tastefulness . "

  13. 麦克劳德以@hannahmacleod6的用户名,也在网站上写道:“我的奖牌也同时被盗了。真够悲催的。”在英国女子曲棍球队击败新西兰队确保奖牌后,28岁的麦克劳德在2012年伦敦奥运会上获得了铜牌。

    Macleod , under the username @ hannahmacleod6 , also wrote on the site : " My medal was also stolen at the same time . Totally devastated . " Macleod , 28 , achieved bronze at London 2012 after Team GB 's women 's hockey team beat New Zealand to secure a medal .