
  • 网络mcfarland;McFarlane;Ian Macfarlane;McFarland, USA
  1. 澳大利亚产业部长伊恩•麦克法兰(IanMacfarlane)表示:毫无疑问(价格)在大幅攀升,我们需要让液化天然气消费国理解这些价格是如何设定的。

    Ian Macfarlane , the Australian industry minister , said : There is not a shadow of a doubt that [ prices ] have been going up considerably and we need our LNG customers to understand how these prices are set . ' '

  2. 通过采用H∞环路成形&基于互质因子的鲁棒性和线性矩阵不等式的麦克法兰和格洛弗控制器设计方法,得到了一种新的鲁棒控制器。

    By using the Hoo loop shaping-Mc Farlane and Glover controller design method based on coprime factor robustness and Linear Matrix Inequality ( LMI ), a novel robust controller has been suggested .

  3. 事发时同太太和两个儿子在渡轮上的麦克法兰(DavidMacfarlane)说,船长做出了正确的决定。

    David MacFarlane , who was on the ferry with his wife and two sons , said that the captain made the right decision .

  4. 他的合伙人乔伊·麦克法兰(JoeyMcFarland)是来自肯塔基州的小规模投资者,麦克法兰初涉娱乐业时,负责安排希尔顿等名人收费参加活动的档期。

    His partner , Joey McFarland , was a small-time investor from Kentucky whose entertainment-business apprenticeship included booking paid party appearances for celebrities like Ms. Hilton .

  5. 如今在经营数据营销公司TellApart的谷歌前员工乔希•麦克法兰(JoshMcFarland)对那些背后嚼舌头、认为梅尔不过是搭了谷歌联合创始人拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)和谢尔盖•布林(SergeyBrin)顺风车的人很是不以为然。

    Josh McFarland , another ex-Google staffer now running data-marketing company TellApart , dismisses backbiters who say Ms Mayer rode on the coat-tails of Larry Page and Sergey Brin , Google 's co-founders .

  6. 我刚认领了华盛顿的麦克法兰中学

    I just adopted MacFarland Middle School in Washington DC

  7. 于是,麦克法兰玩具公司于1994年诞生,并推出了这款新玩具。

    In1994 McFarland Toys was created to release this new line of toys .

  8. 他说一大队海军陆战队员来到了麦克法兰中学

    He said a battalion of marines just arrived here at MacFarland Middle School

  9. 麦克法兰的著作让我感觉到,自己应该从头开始研究这一课题。

    Macfarlane 's book made me think I should tackle the subject afresh .

  10. 在自己的书中,麦克法兰在商业方面也察觉到了同样的分割缺失。

    In his book , Macfarlane detects the same lack of partition in business .

  11. 赛斯麦克法兰:艾玛斯通是新电影《匪帮传奇》的主角。

    Seth MacFarlane : Emma Stone is the star of the new film Gangster Squad .

  12. 在麦克法兰镇有12例儿童癌症病例

    In the town of McFarland , there have been 12 cases of cancer among children .

  13. 麦克法兰已经安装了一个价值3万美元的投影机,想要在屏幕上展示第一部电影则需要花费500美元。

    MacFarlane has already installed a $ 35,000 projector to screen first-run movies that cost $ 500 a pop .

  14. 在麦克法兰看来,羞怯与性无罪之间的矛盾,是日本同时保持两面性的又一例证。

    For Macfarlane the contradiction between coyness and guiltless sex is another example of how Japan can be two things at once .

  15. 之后麦克法兰也评价了她的电影,并对《猎杀本·拉登》这部电影说了点玩笑话。

    Macfarlane had a go at her movie later , when he dropped a thud of a joke on Zero Dark Thirty .

  16. 主持人塞思?麦克法兰在节目初始向观众介绍瓦利斯时就开始了并不风趣的言辞。

    Host Seth Macfarlane began the unfunny references to Wallis as he introduced her to the audience in the early part of the show .

  17. 麦克法兰表示,如果说只能从日本人彼此的关系中感觉到意义,那么日本的艺术也是如此。

    Macfarlane says that , if Japanese people derive meaning only in relation to each other , the same is true of Japanese art .

  18. 麦克法兰表示,1997年至1998年的亚洲金融危机证明,对澳大利亚大宗商品需求的大幅下降影响了价格,但需求总量得以维持。

    Mr Macfarlane said the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 had demonstrated that a sharp fall in demand for Australian commodities affected prices but volumes had been maintained .

  19. 麦克法兰主持的这届奥斯卡颁奖典礼带有一种刻薄的意味,这比往届的奥斯卡秀有过之而无不及。往届颁奖典礼经常陷于既庆祝又嘲讽这个自我放纵的行业的尴尬境地。

    There was a mean-spirited quality to Macfarlane 's Oscars that went beyond the usual awkward imbalance of celebrating and embarrassing a self-indulgent industry in the same show .

  20. 在电话里,麦克法兰表示,正如偏僻的加拉帕哥斯群岛孕育了稀有的动植物种,孤立的日本地理与历史也培养了一种独特的文化。

    On the phone , Macfarlane had said that just as the isolated Galapagos Islands evolved rare fauna and flora , Japan 's geographic and historical isolation created a distinct culture .