
qí dǎo shū
  • prayer book;book of hours;service book
  1. 祈祷书为各信仰之间建起了足够灵活的联系纽带,以期将各个不同教派凝聚在一起。

    The Prayer Book has provided a flexible enough nexus of beliefs to hold together the different church parties .

  2. 你要用什么祈祷书之类的事情?

    What does your prayer book say and that sort of thing ?

  3. 一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。

    A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book .

  4. 她把《英国国教祈祷书》视作振奋人心的文学作品。

    She retarded the book of common prayer as uplifting literature .

  5. 当她演讲时,他们甚至向她扔了祈祷书。

    They even threw prayer books at her as she tried to speak .

  6. 这是国王在教堂里用来传递情书的祈祷书。

    A prayer book used by the king to pass love notes in church .

  7. (圣公会的)祈祷书,公祷书。

    The Prayer Book , the Book of Common Prayer ,( used in Anglican services )

  8. 那本著名的祈祷书仍由这个家族的人保存着,现在已归伯爵所有。

    The celebrated breviary remained in the family , and was in the count 's possession .

  9. 她素来只读一本拉丁文的大字祈祷书。

    She never read anything but a book of prayers printed in Latin , in coarse type .

  10. 最后,这是我手上的纸牌圣经,我的年历、祈祷书。

    Finally , this deck of cards is my Bible , my Almanac , and Prayer Book .

  11. 大约在1477年,伦敦有了第一则用英文印制的广告,宣告有一本祈祷书出售。

    About 1477 , in London , the first printed advertisement in English announced a prayer book sale .

  12. 宗教图书的销量正在急速增长,种类也不仅仅限于圣经和祈祷书。

    Sales of religious books are booming , and the category has much more to offer than just bibles and prayer books .

  13. 没有议会同意,英格兰教会不可随意改变“国教祈祷书”中规定的礼拜仪式。

    The church of England is not free to change its form of worship , as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliament .

  14. 答:我上学时的第一位校长是个牧师,他说我们床头应该摆放三本书:《圣经》、祈祷书和地图册。

    A. My first headmaster , who was a church minister , said we should have three books at our bedsides : a Bible , a prayer book and an atlas .

  15. 嬷嬷用沙破的嗓音低声吩咐了一句,杰克便将驱蝇帚放在屋角里,动手收拾桌上的杯盘,嬷嬷也到碗柜抽屉里去摸爱伦那本破旧的《祈祷书》。

    Prompted by mammy 's hoarse whisper , jack set his fly-brush in the corner and removed the dishes , while mammy fumbled in the sideboard drawer for ellen 's worn prayer book .

  16. 有人说,这是书圣王羲之手笔。(圣公会的)祈祷书,公祷书。

    According to one , it was Wang Xizhi , the supreme calligrapher of China , that did the inscription . the Prayer Book , the Book of Common Prayer ,( used in Anglican services )

  17. 市长勋爵,伦敦市如此灵活地适应了祈祷书所说的现世生活的变迁和机遇,令我特别钦佩。

    I particularly admire , my Lord Mayor , the way in which the City has adapted so nimbly to what the Prayer Book calls " the changes and chances of this mortal life " .

  18. 我曾看她拿着一本非常破旧的祈祷书——这恰好说明女王绝非虚有其表,而是千真万确信仰上帝。

    I once saw her holding a rather worn prayer book which I think is in itself telling - because it shows that this is a woman who doesn 't just pay lip service to God , but prays and is a true believer .

  19. 我有个朋友的祖母经常告诉她“世界上没有什么严重麻烦,不能靠洗个热水澡、喝杯威士忌、读祈祷书而痊愈。”对某些人而言,这确已足够。

    I have a friend whose grandmother used to tell her , " There 's no trouble in this world so serious that it can 't be cured with a hot bath , a glass of whiskey and the Book of Common Prayer . " For some people , that 's truly enough .

  20. 我站起身,赤足奔跑,脉搏在我耳际鸣响,一路跑去寺院,找到一个座位,打开祈祷书,咏唱开始——我的腿从头到尾流着血——我开始唱古鲁梵歌。

    I picked myself up and ran barefoot , my pulse slamming in my ears , all the way to the temple , found a seat , opened up my prayer book just as the chant was beginning and - bleeding down my leg the whole while - I started to sing the Gurugita .

  21. (英国国教教堂)按照普通祈祷词圣书每晚祈祷。

    ( Anglican Church ) a daily evening service with prayers prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer .

  22. 让我们一起来祈祷:让书中的观点与思想能够被所有人看到并广为传播。

    So let 's pray that everything in this book may spread to the mind and heart of all humans .

  23. (罗马天主教)包含牧师或其他宗教成员每天必须诵读的祈祷文的书。

    ( Roman Catholic Church ) a book of prayers to be recited daily certain priests and members of religious orders .

  24. 每天被牧师背诵的规范祈祷(如罗马天主教的祈祷书)。

    Canonical prayers recited daily by priests ( e.g. the breviary of the Roman Catholic Church ) .