
qí yuàn
  • supplication
  • keep one's fingers crossed
祈愿 [qí yuàn]
  • [wish] 祈求满足自己的愿望,泛指恳切希望

  • 他祈愿亲人早日团聚

  1. “祭鼓”和“祈愿”仪式中的音乐事象,比较典型地反映出这两个民族原始信仰的内涵。

    Music played in the ceremonies of the drum worship and supplication typically show the connotation of the primitive beliefs of the two peoples .

  2. 把彩蛋扔到田地里则是祈愿会有一个好收成。

    A decorated egg thrown into the field would be a wish for a good harvest .

  3. Mantras是梵文中向至高无上的存在祈愿用的。

    Mantras are Sanskrit-invocations of the Supreme Being .

  4. 一个祈愿代表一个辽阔又清晰的梦想。

    A wish is a dream that 's wide awake .

  5. 我们只能祈愿手术顺利。

    We have to hope and pray the operation will go well .

  6. 他们祈愿日本人们能够很快地从灾区中恢复原样。

    Their wish is for a speedy recovery for the Japanese people .

  7. 2011年,祈愿法友们以坚定力学习佛法。

    In2011 , May all friends practice Dharma with determination .

  8. 我躺在你身旁,祈愿她不要再打电话。

    I 've been lying and praying , praying she won 't call .

  9. 祈愿他们一同达到本初的圆满境地。

    Attain all together the ground of primordial perfection .

  10. 师父慈母,祈愿您的爱使我们能够融合一体。

    Master , my dear mother , may your love make us one .

  11. 我祈愿夜晚不会再来。

    I wish for the night to never return .

  12. 但他决不能拿他这种给自己留有希望的祈愿当作拒绝接受检测的借口。

    He must not use his desire for hope as an excuse for denial .

  13. 祈祷一个愿望让您发出真心的微笑,这就是祈愿的好处。

    Wish a wish to make you smile that what it 's all about .

  14. 我祈愿我们不再虚度年华,不再甘于平庸。

    I pray that we do not waste life , no longer accepted mediocrity .

  15. 在此祈愿健康重新相伴她们。

    Here I pray for them for health .

  16. 请用您的热泪诅咒、祝福我,我祈愿。

    Curse , bless , me now with your fierce tears , I pray .

  17. 我们祈愿奥运成功!祝福读者奥运快乐!

    Let 's hope for success , and that all our readers enjoy themselves !

  18. 我将此和你们分享并祈愿她的加持达到你们。

    I share it with you with the hope that her blessings reach you .

  19. 祈愿你的每一个日子都充满阳光、无比灿烂。

    May every day be brilliant for you .

  20. 愿您用火热的祈愿之心,透过我们的和谐,使天堂与大地成为一体。

    May the burning wish of your heart unify heaven and earth through our harmony .

  21. 祈愿最忠诚的祝福,永远陪伴着你,特别是现在,当你生日来临的时刻。

    Wish my wholehearted blessing accompany you forever , especially when it is your birthday .

  22. 愿祈愿力量增长!

    May the power of aspiration grow !

  23. 有时候,我们人生的改变是对我们祈愿的回应。

    And sometimes * the change in our lives is an answer to our prayers .

  24. 我祈愿天下人都能有一个安定、温馨的家!

    I pray that people of the world can have a stable , warm home !

  25. 魔石就满足了老石匠的第一个祈愿,使他变成了一棵青松。

    Magic stone will satisfy the old masons first wish that he became a pine trees .

  26. 带着温馨祈愿,祝你圣诞幸福快乐。

    Remembering you at Christmas time with warm wishes for a bright and happy holiday season .

  27. 在新年到来之即,我们祈愿家家团圆快乐!

    On the arrival of the new year , we wish every family a happy reunion .

  28. 就算尖冰刺破身躯,也不能冻住正义的光明祈愿!

    Even if the tip of ice punctured body , nor frozen light of justice pray !

  29. 祈愿所有的父母不再伤心,祈愿所有的孩子不再自伤。

    We wish all parents will never be heart-broken and all children will not hurt themselves .

  30. 我的祷告不但是祈愿与请求,而且必须相信且接受。

    My prayers are not only wishing and asking , but they must be believing and accepting .