
  1. 上述不尽人意的数据出台之际,日本《每日新闻》(Mainichi)昨日援引日本央行副行长西村清彦(KiyohikoNishimura)的话称,这个全球第二大经济体可能正步入一场技术性衰退。

    The gloomy data came as Kiyohiko Nishimura , deputy governor of the Bank of Japan , was quoted yesterday in the Mainichi newspaper as saying that the world 's second largest economy might be heading for a technical recession .

  2. 斯万说:经济刺激计划促使澳大利亚避免了技术性衰退。

    Economic stimulus has meant that Australia has avoided technical recession , Mr Swan said .

  3. 尽管都受到了全球经济风暴的冲击,但印度和中国现在的状况可距巴西所处的技术性衰退有着相当的距离。

    Although battered by global economic winds , India and China are nowhere close to the technical recession Brazil is now experiencing .

  4. 更多的证据显示,英国经济增长放缓加剧,欧元区的动能也在衰退,而日本经济较为疲弱,甚至可能会宣布进入一场技术性衰退。

    Evidence has mounted of a deepening slowdown in the UK and faltering momentum in the eurozone , while Japan is weak and could even declare a technical recession .

  5. 香港受到技术性经济衰退的剧烈冲击,他们是怎样处理的呢?

    Dealing with stress Hong Kong , has been shell-shocked by a technical recession . How are they coping ?