
  1. 如果有人试图教你理财的技巧,确保专心地学习!

    If someone in your life tries to teach you these tricks of money management make sure you pay attention !

  2. 寻找能指导你理财、明智投资或创业的人士。

    Look for people who can mentor you in your efforts to manage your finances , invest wisely , or build a business .

  3. 下次你需要理财建议时,就来找我。

    The next time you need financial advice , come and see me .

  4. 有很多书及在线教程教你基本理财方法。

    There are many books and online courses on the subject of money management basics .

  5. 你的理财机构应按照你的利益行事,而非他人利益。

    Your wealth manager should be acting in your interests , not in anyone else 's.

  6. 你在理财方面最大的陋习是什么?

    What is your worst financial habit ?

  7. 你的理财经理可能是全球股市专家,但他们不大可能也是对冲基金、商业地产和税务方面的专家。

    Your wealth manager may be an expert in global equities . But they are unlikely also to be the best in hedge funds , commercial property and tax .

  8. 同时,密切关注你的理财机构采用的投资策略,从它将投资的资产类别范围,到它将如何在这些领域获得专业技术都要关注。

    At the same time , keep a close eye on the investment approach your wealth manager will follow , from the range of asset classes it will invest in to how it sources expertise in these areas .

  9. 为了帮你更好的理财,教你几个省钱小窍门。

    To help you preferable manage your salary , ITe comings some cash saving tips .

  10. 当你为别人理财时,你的任务就是要取得最好的业绩。

    When you are managing other people 's money , your job is to maximize performance .

  11. 实际上,你很享受理财的过程。

    Waiting for interest to accumulate is no problem for you-actually , you enjoy the process .

  12. 同事,选择一个信用卡联盟或当地银行作为你的日常理财,如果你选择的是一家超大的银行,不要违反他们的规定。

    Meanwhile , choose a credit union or local bank for your day-to-day finances , and if you do choose a megabank , don 't run afoul of their rules .

  13. 每到月底,都会问自己,“钱都花到哪去了?”为了帮你更好的理财,教你几个省钱小窍门。

    At the end of each month , you often ask yourselves ," Where has all my money gone " To help you better manage your salary , here comes some money saving tips .

  14. 那你就会知道如何理财了。

    Then you will know how to manage your money .

  15. 我想你需要一位理财顾问来帮助你规划你的投资。

    I think you need a financial adviser to help you plan your investments .

  16. 最后,记住,你与一个理财机构的关系可能会持续很长时间。

    Finally , remember that your relationship with a wealth manager may last a long time .

  17. 财务顾问与这些理财机构是否有个人关系、或因为介绍你的业务从理财公司拿回扣?

    Do the advisers have a personal relationship with the managers or get kickbacks from referring you ?

  18. 在你能真正确定理财目标之前,你需要确定从财务上看你处于什么地位。

    Before you can really start setting financial goals , you need to determine where you stand financially .

  19. 选择优秀的投资顾问,对你的投资和理财起着决定性的作用。

    Choose good investment advisers and company , to you of investment and finance plays a decisive role .

  20. 在攻克了所有那些课业难关之后,现在你可以接着掌握理财方面的实用技能了。

    Having conquered all those classes , now you can move on to mastering the practical skill of managing money .

  21. 如果你和对明智理财毫无兴趣的懒人呆在一起,你是不会成功的。

    You wont become successful in life if you spend time with lazy people who arent interested in managing their money wisely .

  22. 如果你现在不明智理财,那即便你有百万美元你也不可能好好管理。

    If you dont manage your money wisely now , however , its unlikely that youll be able to handle a million dollars with good sense .

  23. 因为你对日常的理财并不感兴趣,更愿意自己创业,尽可能地从业务经营上寻求利润。

    Since day-to-day money management doesn 't interest you , it may be in your interest to sign up for as many automatic bill-paying services as possible .

  24. 另外,网上也有很多不错的资源,查查看吧。而且,你还可以选择理财规划师,听听他们的建议。

    Also , there are a ton of great online resources you should check out . In addition , you can go to financial planners and find out what they suggest .

  25. 如果你还没开始理财,至少也要开始关注这个问题了。现在有很多线上和线下的理财工具,可以帮助你实现财务的稳定和增值。

    But if you haven 't yet , at least you 're aware of it , and there are plenty of tools available online and off to help you move towards financial stability going forward .

  26. 但新的发现暗示,你应该问问你的理财顾问和投资经理:你在生活中遭受并克服过哪些挫折?

    But the new findings suggest that you should ask financial advisers and investment managers : What adversity have you had to overcome in your life ?

  27. 相反,如果你找到一位优秀的理财师,他能帮你解释很多理财上的细节问题。

    However , if you find a good financial planner , he should be able to explain everything to you in detail .

  28. 每天花费的习惯,是否经常导致你入不敷支?「个人理财通」会是你一个理财的好助手!

    Are you always got overspend by your habit of consumption ?" Personal Financier " will be your good Financial Assisant !

  29. 如果你挣了一百万,你就得学会理财。

    If you make a million , you need to manage that money .

  30. 你的父母和其他父辈必须教你如何理财。

    Your parents and other adults in your life should teach you how to manage your money .