
  • 网络system resources;institutional resource
  1. 既然WTO为世人提供了一个现阶段所能利用的最好的多边主义合作平台,那么在整合各种国际贸易协定宏观关系的工作方面,就没有理由浪费这一宝贵的制度资源。

    Since WTO provides us the best multilateral platform for cooperation that we can utilize at the present , there is no reason to ignore this precious institutional resource on the work for conformity of international trade agreements .

  2. 珠三角地方政府改革在充分利用传统制度资源的同时,又适时地引入新的制度变量。

    The reforms in Pearl River Delta region make full use of traditional institutional resource as well as assimilate the new external institutional factors .

  3. 法律资源是一种抽象的社会资源,是一种智力资源,是一种制度资源。

    The law is a resource , or a society resource .

  4. 转型期高校图书馆制度资源配置研究

    Studies on the University Libraries ' System and Resources Disposition in the Transitional Period

  5. 尤其是组织和制度资源的短缺,将成为制约我国海洋渔业经济可持续发展的最大问题。

    The Chinese marine fisheries are facing serious shortage of organization and institutional resources .

  6. 金融资源一般包括货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源。

    Usually financial resource includes money resource , capital resource , intuitional organization resource and commodity resource .

  7. 在这方面,竞争性企业大量的制度资源可供城市学习和借鉴。

    And city government can learn from and use the institutional resources of business in urban management .

  8. 经济发展方面的核算和问责制度资源经济一体化核算研究(Ⅱ)指标形成

    Accounting and accountability in economic development Study on Integrated Accounting Between Economy and Natural Resources (ⅱ) Index Formation

  9. 究其主要原因是伦理道德价值的扭曲和制度资源的缺陷及安排的失衡。

    The main reasons are distortion of ethic moral merit , limitation of system resource and unbalance of arrangement .

  10. 文献资源、设备资源、制度资源在图书情报系统中处于同等重要位置。

    Document resources , equipment resources and rules and regulations resources are equally important in a library and information system .

  11. 本文认为社区学校资源的整合研究不仅要集中在具体的整合内容和方法上,而且对学校资源整合的前提&制度资源予以重视,同时还要对学校教育资源整合的本质研究予以揭示。

    Then this paper holds that the integrating research of community schools should be focused on its contents and methods .

  12. 政治制度资源配置的关键是以健全的政治运行机制确保人民当家作主权利的实现。

    The crux of distributing the resources of political institution is to ensure the rights of the people as masters of their country ;

  13. 所以我们必须重视政治资源的优化配置,通过政治制度资源、政治权力资源、政治权利资源和政治文化资源的合理配置与使用来实现它。

    We should use the reasonable allocation for system resources , power resources , right resources and political ideology resources to realize it .

  14. 摘要纠纷的“民间”调解作为我国一种重要的历史、社会和制度资源,在维系社会秩序和社会稳定方面发挥着重要作用。

    As an important historical , social and system resource , nongovernmental intermediation to dispute plays a significant role in maintaining social order and stability .

  15. 加强执政资源建设途径主要有挖掘历史资源、保护政治资源、扩大经济资源、优化意识形态资源、扩大群众资源、扩大人才资源、强化组织资源、利用制度资源、争取国际资源。

    The way of strengthening the ability in government consists of historical resources , political resources , economical resources , ideological resources , personal resources , etc.

  16. 即要积极开发和利用现有制度资源,充分发挥政党的政治参与功能。

    That is a positive development and utilization of the existing system resources , and gives full play to the political participation function of political parties .

  17. 其中,结构能力包括制度资源、组织资源、人力资源、财力资源、信息资源、技术资源、环境资源等。

    The " structure " ability includes system resource , organizational resource , human resource , financial resource , information resource , technical resource and environmental resource .

  18. 在我国,由于法律制度资源配置不合理,公权强势于私权,从而导致大量的制度性租金产生。

    In our country , because the legal system resources are unreasonably distributed , the public right is more advantageous than private right , which causes a large amount of institutional rent .

  19. 在中国传统时期,主要是靠社区内部的道德伦理、宗族等这样一些组织和制度资源以及国家在此方面的制度与文化上的安排和调节来实现的。

    In China traditional period , integration mainly depended on resources of organizes and institutions , such as morality , ethic and clan , and national arrangement and adjustment in culture and institution .

  20. 民族联邦制是苏联的国家结构形式,它在社会基础、制度资源方面存在先天不足并与联邦制的逻辑内涵存在抵触。

    The federal system of races was the national structure of the Soviet Union . It had a congenital defect in the social basis and system resources and worked against logical connotation of the federal system .

  21. 第二,金融资源以博弈规则及按货币资源、资本资源、制度资源和商品资源四个层次分析其配置效率。

    Analyzing effective allocation of financial resources from two different points : the rule of game theory and four levels of financial resources : monetary resources , capital resources , system resources and commodity resources . 3 .

  22. 政策创新能力的大小强弱首先取决于政府能力的大小,与政府所拥有的人力资源、财力资源、权力资源、权威资源、文化资源、信息资源和制度资源有关。

    The strength of this kind of capability is primarily decided by a government 's capability and related to the government 's resources such as human resources , financial resources , power , authority , culture , information and system .

  23. 笔者认为,在充分利用现有制度资源的前提下,适当改革现有的程序规定,并通过司法解释的方式制定相应的程序规范,完全可以回应司法实践所带来的种种疑问。

    In my opinion , making full use of existing system resources , under the premise of an appropriate reform of the existing procedural requirements , and through judicial interpretation of the way to develop appropriate procedural norms of judicial practice can respond to various questions posed .

  24. 社会公正是政治认同的制度性资源?

    Is social equity the system based resource of political identification ?

  25. 价格政策、产权制度与资源持续利用的一些理论分析

    Analysis on Price Policy , Property System and Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources

  26. 制度、资源则为其提供保障。

    Economy is the mechanism while system provides guarantee .

  27. 一直以来,户籍制度对资源分配起着十分重要的作用。

    The household system always plays an important role in the resource allocation .

  28. 学校要提供相关的政策、制度和资源方面的保障,这种保障应该是持续不断的。

    School authorities should provide teachers with suitable policies , systems and resources in a persistent way .

  29. 软权力主要包括文化价值观的同化力,国际机制的规则和制度等资源。

    Soft power mainly involves the assimilation of culture and values , the standards and systems of International Mechanism .

  30. 不同的历史、文化、制度和资源察赋造成了区域发展的差异和不平衡。

    Based on differences in history , culture , institution , and resources , regional differences and disequilibrium come into being .