
  • 网络yama
  1. 虽然制戒表面上是社会伦理道德,遵行是个人的纪律修养。两者都可以用于任何情形,社会的或身体的。

    Although superficially Yamas are social ethics and Niyama personal disciplines , both can be applied equally to any situation such as society or the physical body .

  2. 达到控制思想的前两步是制戒和遵行。

    The first two steps toward controlling the mind are the perfection of yama and niyama .

  3. 通过体式你也能学会觉知和应用道德规范-制戒和遵行。

    Through asanas one also learns an awareness and application of ethics-Yama and Niyama .

  4. 如果对制戒和遵行不认真努力和崇敬,体式的练习将会收效甚微。

    Without an earnest effort and reverence towards the practice of yama and niyama , however , the practice of asana is of little benefit .

  5. 寺庙有八个角,代表了帕坦加里的瑜伽八个分支:制戒,内制,体式,呼吸控制,意识控制,集中,冥想,三摩地。

    The temple has eight sides , representing Patanjali 's eight limbs of yoga : Yama , Niyama , Asana , Pranayama , Pratyahara , Dharana , Dhyana , and Samadhi .