
  1. 这次谈话既长见识又饶有趣味。

    The talk was both informative and entertaining .

  2. 汽船向我们嘟嘟鸣笛时,甲板上的水手们饶有趣味地挥着手。

    Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement .

  3. 这本书里都是些饶有趣味的闲谈瞎扯。

    The book is enjoyable hokum .

  4. “Tokeepyourheadabovewater”是一种饶有趣味的表达,意思是避免负债。

    " To keep your head above water " is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt .

  5. 它可能是严肃的,但是也被证明是饶有趣味的。

    Serious it may be , but it is also proved entertaining .

  6. 罗伯特·鲍尔爵士的那本小书饶有趣味。

    Fascinating little book that is of sir Robert Ball 's.

  7. 他饶有趣味地看着我的脸,看着我一点一点地消化这个认知。

    He watched my face with enjoyment as that slowly sank in .

  8. 一场饶有趣味的哑剧,正在她面前演出。

    A most amusing pantomime was acted before her .

  9. 空间维度词是认知语言学研究中一个饶有趣味的话题。

    Dimensional terms are one of the interesting topics in cognitive linguistic research .

  10. 影片足够黑暗,但是也饶有趣味。

    It is dark but very funny too .

  11. 他们讲述了自己的创业经历,介绍了各自公司的历程,我听得饶有趣味。

    I enjoyed hearing their stories of their entrepreneurial journeys to create their companies .

  12. 英语有着饶有趣味的发展历史。

    The English language has an interesting history .

  13. 有人已经提出一项测定火星周围大气层的饶有趣味的建议。

    An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been put forward .

  14. 其后的科学道理饶有趣味。

    And the science behind it is interesting .

  15. 日本是个很富有的国家,历史饶有趣味,文化丰富多彩。

    Japan is a wealthy nation with a very interesting history and colorful culture .

  16. 那里还有一层,办了一个迷你屋的展览,也饶有趣味。

    There is a Doll House Exhibition on one floor , which is interesting , too .

  17. 人生总是不尽合理,而且往往充满痛苦,可是,归根到底它仍然饶有趣味。

    Life is always unreasonable and full of agony , but it is still interesting ultimately .

  18. 谭恩美笔下的中国形象也因此成为了一个复杂而又饶有趣味的研究课题。

    The images of China described by Amy Tan also become a complex and interesting research subject .

  19. 他的坦率还是饶有趣味的。

    His confidences were interesting .

  20. 魏纳先生进行了许多饶有趣味的观察,甚至提到了“哈卡尔”,即腐烂的鲨鱼,一种冰岛特产。

    Mr Weiner offers colourful observations , even when he samples hakarl , or rotten shark , an Icelandic speciality .

  21. 历史是相当有趣的,但你那糟糕的历史老师却没时间给你讲一些饶有趣味的小故事。

    History rocks , but your poor history teachers didn 't have time to cover all the fun little bits .

  22. .奶奶会织套头衫、手套、围巾等等东西。例句:我们希望使我们的工作饶有趣味。

    Grandma knits pullovers , gloves , scarves , and so on We hope to inject new interest into our work .

  23. 心身关系问题是当代哲学、心理学、认知科学等学科里最饶有趣味的、及其艰深复杂的前沿问题之一。

    The mind-body relationship ( MBR ) is one of the most interesting and complicated issue of contemporary philosophy , psychology and epistemology .

  24. 小说中语言风格的不断变换为翻译风格学的对比分析提供了大量饶有趣味的实例。

    The stylistic changes in the novel provide the analyst a great variety of interesting instances for a comparative study in translational stylistics .

  25. 童话就像是一场在成人与儿童之间展开的饶有趣味的对话,中西不同的对话关系与民族文化传统的长期积淀息息相关。

    The process of telling fairy tales is just like making dialogue between adults and children , the different relations concern traditional culture .

  26. 低压压的天空、光影交错的平原以及作为前景的篱笆给这一场景带来了纵深感并使之饶有趣味。

    A seemingly low sky , alternating lit and shadowed plains , and the foreground fence , give this scene depth and interest .

  27. 故事情节实属老新常谈,然而,当我们将这故事套进公众人物时,便显得饶有趣味及使人费煞思量。

    The basic nature of the plot is commonplace but , when it is a look at public figures , it is intriguing and puzzling .

  28. 他喜欢用一连串自创的打油诗来描述自己的生活(比如他的短诗“Me!Wheeeeee!”),和他的拳头一样,他的语言同样饶有趣味。

    He entertained as much with his mouth as with his fists , narrating his life with a patter of inventive doggerel . ( " Me ! Wheeeeee ! " )

  29. 其次,巫文化具有的诗、史传统,激发了寻根作家对小说艺术形式饶有趣味的探索。

    In addition , the witch culture has a poetry and historical tradition , which stimulates the seeking roots writers to explore the artistic forms of fictions with great enthusiasm .

  30. 餐厅的布置非常优美:光线幽暗的地下室,墙上悬挂着若干饶有趣味的艺术作品,包括一条灰白色的龙,在墙壁上蜿蜒而过。

    The restaurant 's setting is sexy : a dark underground room with just a few riveting pieces of art , including a white and gray dragon along one wall .