
  1. 她对未来发展的可能性有一些饶有兴味的论述。

    She has some interesting observations on possible future developments .

  2. 调查结果令人读起来饶有兴味。

    The results of the survey made fascinating reading .

  3. Insead报告称,今年的申请人数上升,其他商学院饶有兴味地关注着这些发展。

    Other business schools are watching with interest as Insead reports increased applications this year .

  4. 他慢慢地点头,一副饶有兴味的神态。

    Slowly , with an air of amusement , he nodded .

  5. 这份杂志提供了有关这次事件的饶有兴味的侧面消息。

    This magazine has thrown interesting sidelights on this event .

  6. 这些小说巨著给我们提供了饶有兴味的研究题目。

    These great works offer entrancing subjects for study .

  7. 她发现她的新工作既富有挑战性,又饶有兴味。

    She found her new job challenging and stimulating .

  8. 他在花园里走来走去,饶有兴味地欣赏他所栽培的树木花草。

    He walked round the garden looking fondly at the plants he had nurtured .

  9. 人们饶有兴味地等待着结果。

    The result is awaited with interest .

  10. 实际上,你会感到这种经历是饶有兴味的,你会想要再做更多的演讲。

    In fact , you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches !

  11. 虽然它们给我们提供了饶有兴味的研究题目,但它们写出来首先还是为了让别人欣赏的。

    Though they offer entrancing subjects for study , they were in the first place written to be enjoyed .

  12. 她是一个始终活在自己世界的人,宁静平缓,波澜不惊,她饶有兴味地活着,只是以自己独特的方式。

    She is always live in a world of themselves , halcyon , gentle , still waters with her to live , but in his own way .

  13. 然而,饶有兴味的是,当本体被解构、消解之时,恰恰是后现代思维由独断理性走向发散、多元、开放之时。

    But what makes us interested in is : when the main body is deconstructed and dispelled , it is exactly the moment when the latter-modern thought forwards the dispersing , multi-dimensional , opening from arbitrary rationality .