
  1. 现代的两栖登陆艇常采用多级组合如惯性级和网垫级来解决除盐雾的问题,用旋风级来解决除沙问题。

    The combination of multilevel facilities such as inertia stages , net stages is often adopt for salinity , while cyclone separator for sand in the modern amphibian landing craft .

  2. 有一次,盟军在义大利安齐奥发动两栖进攻,登陆艇靠岸时,阿尼斯奉命率领同袍下水抢滩。

    When the troops aboard his landing craft splashed ashore during an allied amphibious attack at Anzio , Italy , Arness was chosen to lead the way .

  3. 由具备投送“由舰到岸”攻击部队能力的各单位组成。如“塔拉瓦”级和“黄蜂”级两栖攻击舰以及登陆艇等。

    It is composed of units capable of delivering ship-to-shore assault troops , such as Tarawa-class and Wasp-class amphibious assault ships , and landing craft .