
liǎnɡ ɡāo
  • two supreme organs
  1. 加入WTO以后,两高一资相关产业向中国的转移,进一步加剧了我国资源供给压力和环境恶化程度。

    After joining the WTO ," two high and one capital " industries are transfering to China , which further exacerbates our resource pressure and the degree of environmental degradation .

  2. 并从企业发展的机遇和挑战、优势和劣势进行了SWOT分析,制定了企业发展两高、四型为特征的一强三优一流县级供电企业的战略。

    And from the enterprise development opportunities and challenges , the advantages and disadvantages of SWOT analysis , the enterprise development " two , four features of " a " strong three-excellent " first-class county-level electricity-supplier strategy .

  3. 随着通信行业话音业务ARPU值的不断下滑,企业市场上集团客户表现出来的两高一低,即ARPU值高、收入占比高和离网率低,越来越受到各大电信运营商的重视。

    As Voice Services ARPU declining in Telecommunications , " Two High And One Low " demonstrated by the Group Customers in industry communications market , that is high ARPU , high share of income , low churn rate , is more and more attention to communications operators .

  4. 论两高司法解释的合法性

    Water without source & On legalization of two supreme judicial interpretations

  5. 赞科夫两高原则对英语阅读课中几对矛盾的整合

    Using Two-high Principles in the Coordination of English Reading Dilemma

  6. 良性家族性婴儿癫痫两高发家系临床特征及染色体研究

    Study of chromosomes and clinical features in two families of benign familial infantile convulsions

  7. 两高分辨率黄土剖面末次冰消期气候事件的差异探讨

    Discuss on Difference of Climate Change Events Recorded in Two High-Resolution Loess Sections in Last Deglaciation

  8. 从最近发展区理论到两高教学原则

    From the Theory of " the Zone of Proximal Development " to " Two High Principles "

  9. 三软、两高煤层工作面回采实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussion About the Mine in " Three Soft " & " Two High " Coal Seam

  10. 结合两高一低及预湿上浆工艺进行超高压上浆的实践

    Practise of overload sizing technology characteristics of the combination of " two high one low " and prewet sizing

  11. 面对“三荒两高”困境,需要政府和企业采取三极措施联手应对。

    To face the predicament , it requires government and business cooperate to adopt triple-pole measure to deal with .

  12. 在司法实践中长期争议较大,虽然,目前逐渐趋同用于业务应予扣除这一做法,但是两高始终没有作出明确解释。

    Although such benefit is always deducted in practice , there is no official judicial explanation for the issue .

  13. 环境污染与结构升级&基于福建省两高型行业的实证研究

    On Environmental Pollution and Industry Structure Upgrading & Based on Empirical Study of High-pollution and Consumption Industries in Fujian Province

  14. 体育人口年龄结构不合理,呈两高一低的马鞍型趋势。

    Sports population structure is irrational , low in the middle high in two extremes-the " saddle shape " trend .

  15. 突发传染病疫情等灾害发生期间刑法适用的若干问题&以两高关于突发传染病疫情等灾害刑法适用问题的司法解释为范本

    On the Application of Criminal Law during the Period of Outbreak Epidemics & in Respect of Supreme Court and Procuratorate 's Judicial Interpretation

  16. 认为盐湖盆地原油具两高、两低特征,族组成上表现为饱和烃含量较低,非烃+沥青质含量较高。

    Crude oils from the basins are characterized by the low contents of saturated hydrocarbons and the great abundances of non hydrocarbons and asphaltenes .

  17. 装备维修费在总量上越来越高,且与装备采购费相比,呈现出两高的趋势。

    Equipment maintenance costs at more and more on high-volume , showing a " two-high " trend , compared with the procurement of equipment .

  18. 它是由立法机关授权两高,针对司法实践中遇到的具体适用法律问题作出的具有法律效力的解释。

    It is authorized by the legislature , made a legally binding interpretation for the specific application of the legal issues encountered in the judicial practice .

  19. 第三,高污染、高能耗和低附加值这种两高一资产品的出口量一直排在首位,加大了我国出口内涵能源量。

    Third , exports of products of high pollution and high energy consumption and low value-added have been topped , which increases embodied energy in exports .

  20. 在工业化的4种发展模式中,经济效率与生态效率两高的模式A无疑为工业绿色化的最优模式。

    Model A , which means the economic efficiency and ecological efficiency are " two high " is undoubtedly the optimal mode of the Greening of industry .

  21. 通过对现行刑法中危害公共卫生罪及“两高”司法解释的深入分析,认为应该在刑法中确立“传播传染病罪”,并对该罪名的刑事立法问题提出了立法建议。

    This paper analyzes the crime of endangering public health and proposes that ' the crime of diffusing infectious disease ' should be established in criminal law .

  22. 本实用新型的优点在于:可调节两高频头的间距,用户可接收不同卫星上的电视信号。

    The double-ported feed disc has the advantages that the distance between two high-frequency heads is adjustable , and users can receive television signals from different satellites .

  23. 两高将此罪名定为利用影响力受贿罪,如此以来我国当前的刑罚体系对受贿罪可谓是法网密织。

    Two high-set this , to use influence on charges of bribery , so since the current penalty system for accepting bribes can be caught by the dense weave .

  24. 收受财物后退还或者上交与受贿罪的认定&对两高受贿罪司法解释第9条的反思

    On the Determination of Bribery Crime in Terms of Returning or Handing in Bribes after Accepting & Review of the Article 9 of Judicial Interpretation of the Bribery Crime

  25. 由于其两高一资的特点,水泥行业的资源环境约束日益凸显,可持续发展面临严峻挑战。

    Due to the " two high one capital " feature , resources and environment constraints become more emerging in the cement industry , which leads to severe challenge in the sustainable development .

  26. 但是,两高又以司法解释的形式将撤回起诉重新纳入刑事诉讼轨道,给司法实践带来弊端。

    However the Supreme People 's Court and the Supreme People 's Procuratorate authorized procuratorial organ with the right to withdraw charges newly by judicial interpretation , which has led judicial practice to trouble .

  27. 此外,镁合金还具有很多优点,人们通常了解的为三好、两高,即阻尼性能好、切削加工效果好、导热能力好;比强度高、比刚度高。

    People usually know as three good and two high : good damping property and cutting is good , at the same time have good capacity of heat-transmission , high specific strength and specific stiffness .

  28. 基于坝上土薄地瘠的环境资源,高渗漏水量、高经济产值与低生物产量的两高一低特性,使得小南瓜将逐渐成为坝上坡梁地农田生产的生态与经济效益兼顾的优势作物。

    Based on the barren land of bashang , high water leakage , high economic production and low biomass , made cushaw to be the best crop to produce both ecologic and economic benefit in bashang .

  29. 作为低碳经济的重要组成部分,发展三低两高&低耗能、低污染、低排放、高效率、高碳汇的低碳农业具有必要性和紧迫性。

    As an important part of the low-carbon economy , the development of low-carbon agricultural of " low energy , low pollution , low emission , high efficiency , high-carbon sink " is necessary and urgent .

  30. 天津开发区限制引进两高一低(能耗、污染和低技术)项目。他们的实惠性、强烈性、攻击性特质的发展较低,处于次低分区;

    TEDA restricts the introduction of projects with high consumption of energy , heavy pollution and low technology . The personalities of actuality , mightiness , and aggressiveness develop rather badly , which locates in the low score area .