
ài zǔ ɡuó
  • love sb.'s country
  1. 体育活动是德育教育的有效载体,在体育活动中能更好地培养学生爱祖国爱集体的思想;

    Physical activity is an effective carrier for moral education .

  2. 他爱祖国胜过一切。

    He loved his country above all else .

  3. 传道就是要使受教育者懂得如何做人,而做人的基本应从爱祖国教育、爱家乡教育、孝敬父母教育抓起。

    Preaching means enabling the recipients of education to know how to be a man .

  4. 爱祖国,为祖国的前途而奋斗,是我们时代赋予我们的神圣职责。

    Loving our country and working hard for its future is the sacred responsibility that today assigns us .

  5. 我们都一样爱祖国、爱人民,但我们要懂得博爱深远。

    We should learn how to love deeply and universally instead of rejoicing in the calamity of others .

  6. 由此,武术人也形成了爱祖国、爱民族、重大节的优良传统。

    Therefore , people who practice Wushu formed the good traditional of devotion to the nation and to the people .

  7. 我爱祖国爱她的一草一木,一山一水,更爱她那悠久而灿烂的历史文化。

    I love Her love of the motherland is not only plants , mountain water , but also love her long and splendid history and culture .

  8. 我们说,这些管理香港事务的人应该是爱祖国、爱香港的香港人,普选就一定能选出这样的人来吗?

    We say that Hong kong 's administrators should be people of Hong Kong who love the motherland and Hong kong , but will a general election necessarily bring out people like that ?

  9. 这个体系以为人民服务为核心,以集体主义为原则、以爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义为基本要求。

    This system has a core idea of serving people , a standard of collectivism and a basic requirement of loving one 's motherland , Loving people , Loving science , and Loving socialism .

  10. 我们不可简单地以大学生受现代文化、西方文化的影响就得出大学生抛弃传统、全盘西化、不爱祖国的简单结论。

    We can not simply come to a conclusion that college students , influenced by modern culture and Western culture , break with the tradition , totally westernize , and have an aversion to the motherland .

  11. 台湾“大河小说”如流淌的大河,将台湾人民半个世纪的生活和斗争涵盖其中,表现爱祖国、爱人民的母题。

    Taiwan " Mighty River Novels ", like a flowing great river , cover the life and struggle of the Taiwan people for half a century , displaying the love of the motherland and the people .

  12. 因此诗中不仅表现了诗人爱祖国、爱人类的进步思想,更表现了诗人不断追求、积极进取的人生哲学。

    Therefore , in the poems , the poet not only displayed the progressive thoughts and feelings of love for the motherland , and humanity , but displayed the poet 's philosophy of life of unceasingly pursuit and the positive enterprise .

  13. 它要求21世纪的接班人应当具备厚实的理论知识和丰富的实际能力,具有高尚的情操、高格的品位、高度的道德水准以及爱祖国、爱人民的高贵美德。

    It requires that the 21 century 's successors should possess the abundant theory knowledge and strong practice ability , have noble sentiment and character and high-level moral standard , and be provided with the highly-privileged morality of loving country and people .

  14. 港澳、台湾、海外的爱国同胞,不能要求他们都拥护社会主义,但是至少也不能反对社会主义的新中国,否则怎么叫爱祖国呢?

    We do not ask all our patriotic compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao and in Taiwan and abroad to support socialism , but at the least , they should not oppose socialist new china . otherwise , how can they be called patriotic ?

  15. 黑龙江移民文学的繁荣,是人才政策开明、开放结出的硕果,也与中国知识分子爱祖国、爱人民的赤诚之心有关。

    The prosperity of the literature of immigration of Heilongjiang is the enlightened policy of person with ability and its rich fruits , and it relates to the hearts of absolute sincerity which are love of the Chinese intellectuals for the motherland and the people .

  16. 一个不爱自己祖国的人什么都不爱。——

    He who loves not his country , can love nothing . -

  17. 不爱自己祖国的人,一无所爱。&拜伦

    He who loves not his country , can love nothing . - Byron

  18. 她回到了她深爱的祖国。

    She went back to the country she loved .

  19. 我是个中国人我爱我祖国!

    I am Chinese , I love my homeland .

  20. 全国人民都要牢记他们的牺牲代表的价值:永远爱护他们深爱的祖国,永远热爱他们为之战斗乃至牺牲生命换来的自由。

    we have to remain worthy of their sacrifice - forever committed to the country they loved and the freedom they fought for and died for .

  21. 球场外,适应远离她深爱的祖国的生活,忍受德国的严寒冬季给她制造了比对手的防守更多的障碍。

    Off the pitch , though , adapting to life far away from her loved ones and enduring the intense cold of German winter would provide greater obstacles than any opposing defender .

  22. 经历令人胆战心惊的八天后,最终美国特工杰克鲍尔逃离了审判、被迫离开了他深爱的祖国,到此他也完成了在热播剧《24小时》中的任务。

    After eight horrifying days , U.S. special agent Jack Bauer has ended his career on television ` s hit action show " 24 " by turning into a fugitive from justice and being forced to escape the country he loves .

  23. 我深深爱着的祖国古老而又年轻。

    My beloved motherland is a country both old and young .

  24. 我爱我的祖国就像你爱你的祖国一样深。

    I love my motherland a much a you love yours .

  25. 我爱我的祖国,胜过爱我的一切。

    So I love my homeland , more than all my love .

  26. 因为我是中国人,我永远爱我的祖国!这就是人的本性!

    Beacuse I am a Chinese ! I love my country forever by nature !

  27. 我不想成为叛乱分子,我爱自己的祖国。

    I dont like to be a rebel , and I love our country .

  28. 我爱我的祖国,她美好的未来我要努力工作。

    I love my motherland , for whose good future I will work hard .

  29. 没人能阻拦我爱我的祖国!

    Nobody can stop me loving my country .

  30. 尽管从此肖邦再也没有回到他深爱着的祖国,他一直保存着这捧祖国的泥土。

    He kept it always , as he was never able to return to his beloved Poland .