
ài qínɡ shī
  • love poem
  1. 本文以七言诗形式翻译她的IfyouWereComingintheFall这首诗,以使更多的读者赏析到艾米莉爱情诗的魅力。

    This paper , in the form of seven Chinese characters every line , brings out the translation of her poem If You Were Coming in the Fall so as to make more and more Chinese readers appreciate the magic power to the love poem of Emily Dickson .

  2. 周礼与《国风》中的爱情诗

    Ceremony of Zhou Dynasty and the Love Poem in Guo Feng

  3. 也许他所有的诗歌其实都是爱情诗,表现了对某个人的爱。

    Perhaps all his poems were really love poems , expressive of love for someone

  4. 她大量阅读爱情诗。

    She reads a lot of love poetry .

  5. 漫谈W·H·奥登的爱情诗

    An Appreciative Interpretation of W.H. Auden 's Love Poems

  6. 略论哈代的爱情诗与死亡诗

    Analysis on Hardy 's Poems with Themes of Love or Death

  7. 论中晚唐爱情诗的兴盛

    On Flourish of Poems of Love in the Late Tang Dynasty

  8. 他既写爱情诗也写神秘故事。

    Eg. he composed mystery stories as well as love poems .

  9. 轻逸与沉重&论狄金森的爱情诗

    On the Lightness and Graveness of Emily Dickinson 's Love Poems

  10. 写爱情诗的意大利诗人(1304-1374)。

    An Italian poet famous for love lyrics ( 1304-1374 ) .

  11. 宫廷爱情诗传统与乔叟的《公爵夫人颂》

    Courtly Love Tradition and Chaucer s The Book of Duchess ;

  12. 邓恩爱情诗圆形意象的隐喻意义

    The Metaphorical Meaning of Circle Imagery in the Love Poems by Donne

  13. 《诗经》与《十四行诗集》中爱情诗比较

    The Comparison of Love Lyrics in Shi Jing and Shakespeare 's Sonnet

  14. 李商隐爱情诗的朦胧美

    Beauty the obscure prettiness of Li shangyin 's love poems

  15. 论中西爱情诗之差异及其文化渊源

    The Difference Between Chinese and Foreign Love Poems and its Cultural Resources

  16. 简论冯至爱情诗的艺术特色

    On the artistic features of love poems by Feng Zhi

  17. 唐代妇女爱情诗研究

    Studies on Women 's Love Poetry of Tang Dynasty

  18. 《秋夜》:一首含蓄委婉的爱情诗

    Autumn night : an implicit and mild love poem

  19. 雪莱爱情诗中的柏拉图思想和悲观意识

    Philosophy of Plato and pessimism in shelley 's lyrics

  20. 她主要以她的爱情诗而闻名。

    She is known mostly for her love poetry .

  21. 漫谈隐喻和多恩的爱情诗

    Comments on Metaphors in John Donne 's Love Poetry

  22. 舒婷爱情诗的继承与背叛

    The Inherit and Betray of Shuting 's Love Poetry

  23. 论普希金爱情诗中的性表现

    On the Sexual Expression in Pushkin 's Love Poems

  24. 《诗经》中的爱情诗赏析

    Love Poem Enjoyment in The Book of Songs

  25. 论《诗经·国风》中的爱情诗

    On Love Poems in The Book of Songs

  26. 浅析文化背景对英国爱情诗创作的影响

    The Influence of Cultural Background on the Creation of Love Poems in English Literature

  27. 送她(他)一首爱情诗或自创一首爱情诗,都是一种非常浪漫的表达。

    Sending a love poem or writing one yourself is a hugely romantic gesture .

  28. 爱情诗为其重要的诗歌题材。

    Love poems are important poetry subject .

  29. 本文从爱情诗的角度印证了隐喻的认知本质。

    This paper proves the cognitive nature of metaphor from the perspective of love poems .

  30. 通过对春、草、野兽、火、等基本意象的分析来理解穆旦爱情诗中对欲望的诗意呈现。

    Of image basic understand poetry appearance against desire of the love poems of Mudan .