
  1. 我说,你为什么代表饶漱石说话?

    Why , I asked , are you speaking for him ?

  2. 比如没有高岗、饶漱石是不是不得了呢?我说,你为什么代表饶漱石说话?

    Have things been in a mess , say , without Kao Kang and Jao Shu-shih ? Why , I asked , are you speaking for him ?

  3. 胡风、潘汉年、饶漱石这样的人不杀,连被俘的战犯宣统皇帝、康泽这样的人也不杀。

    We don 't execute people like Hu Feng , Pan Han-nien , Jao Shu-shih , or even captured war criminals such as Emperor Pu Yi and Kang Tse .