
  1. 在分析县域旅游规划中必须重点把握的问题的基础上,对饶平县旅游规划指导思想、旅游定位、旅游发展思路和目标、旅游发展的空间结构等问题进行了探讨。

    Some important problems in Raoping County tourism planning are discussed .

  2. 广东饶平县2006年鼠疫监测结果分析

    Results of monitoring of plague in Raoping County , Guangdong Province

  3. 2001-2005年饶平县部分法定病毒性传染病疫情分析

    Analysis of Epidemic Situation of Virulent Infectious Diseases in Raoping County

  4. 对于县域旅游规划重点问题的探讨&以饶平县旅游规划为例

    A discussion on some important problems in the tourism planning of Raoping County

  5. 饶平县胜佳陶瓷工厂位于中国瓷都潮州,占地面积6万平方米。

    Our factory is located in Chaozhou-the Ceramic City of China , and covers an area of60,000 square meters .

  6. 广东饶平疍家粤语的变异及其交际功能的丧失

    Variations in the Cantonese spoken by boat dwellers at Raoping County in Eastern Guangdong Province and the loss of its communicative function among themselves

  7. 清远、饶平种植基地溪黄草不同植株部位中2α-羟基熊果酸含量均以叶中为高。

    The content of 2 α - hydroxy-ursolic acid in the leaves was the highest among different parts of the plant from Qingyuan and Raoping .

  8. 广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调基于生态安全格局的新农村规划探索&以广东省饶平县新丰镇洞泉村为例

    The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County , Guangdong Province Discussion on New Rural Planning Based on Ecological Safety Pattern

  9. 广泛分布在美国东部崎岖不平的地区。广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调

    Widely distributed in rugged ground of eastern United States . The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County , Guangdong Province

  10. 衷心期盼与贵公司合作,共同携手创造璀璨的未来,并竭诚欢迎您光临广东省饶平县荣耀餐具厂参观指导!

    Look forward to working with you , and work together to create a brighter future , and sincerely welcome you to visit our factory and guide !

  11. 革命党人曾联络会党发动多次举行武装起义,1907年爆发的潮州饶平黄冈起义就是其中著名的一次。

    The revolutionary party member once contacted the society launch to hold the armed uprising many times , in1907 erupted Chaozhou jaoping Huang Gang revolted is famous one time .

  12. 针对国道324线饶平段基底处理、路堤过低以及填沙等问题,提出了相关的建议

    Aiming at the issues on foundation base treatment , lower embankment and sand filling for Raoping Section of NH No 324 , and it also brings forward the suggestions accordingly

  13. 从影响饶平人迁台的因素来看,将推拉理论放置于不同的个案或是同一个案不同个体、不同的时空中时,显然不太适用。

    From the impact factor of Raoping people moved to Taiwan , it clearly shows the Push-pull theory is not applicable , which is placed in the different cases , or the same case in different individuals and different time and space .

  14. 介绍在国道324线饶平拓宽段工程中,用拉槽法设置防滑槽搭接新旧路面的施工工艺,并对防滑槽的使用效果进行探讨。

    This paper introduces a connection method for connection of the new and existing pavements by in-stalling anti - skid slots , which are made by slotting , in widening project in Raoping , National Road 314.The ser-vice conditions of the anti - skid slots are also discussed .