
  1. 焖羊肉、蔬菜及粗米粉,溶入独家秘制的汤底。

    Stewed lamb , mixed vegetable and laksa noodle are combined in a home-made broth base .

  2. 方便面酱料的传统生产工艺是熬制骨汤,本文则开发研究了方便面酱料的工程化生产技术。

    In this paper the new producing technology of a sauce for fast - noodles is studied .

  3. 该条件下制备牛骨汤酶解产物水解度可达26.27%。

    Under such conditions , the hydrolysis degree of bovine bone soup hydrolysates is 26.27 % .

  4. 结果表明:利用PCA不能很好区分不同熬制时间的菌汤风味,但能区分不同品种菌汤的风味,说明PCA是分辨不同种类菌汤的有效分析方法;

    PCA failed to distinguish mushroom soups from the same species at different cooking times , but could succeed in distinguishing mushroom soups from different species .

  5. 事实上,在纽约市,有几十家餐馆供应自家所制的罗宋汤。

    In fact , in New York City , there are dozens of diners that serve homemade borscht .

  6. 目的制备了葛根汤分散片,建立葛根汤分散片的溶出度、含量测定法。

    Objective To examine the effects of the ingredients on Ge Gen Tang dispersible tablet and establish a method to determine its dissolution and content .

  7. 国家新闻昨日报导,中国考古学家在古都西安发现一锅两千四百年前,放在青铜制烹煮器具的汤。

    Chinese archaeologists believe they have discovered a 2,400-year-old pot of soup , sealed in a bronze cooking vessel and dug up near the ancient capital of Xian , state press said yesterday .

  8. 以新鲜鸡蛋和蔬菜等为主要原料,采用冻干技术精心加工制备的速溶汤块新品,具有营养丰富、风味独特、品质优良、方便快捷、货架期长、运输贮藏方便等特点。

    The new instant solid soup products display characteristic properties , such as high nutrient , good taste , high quality , handy transportation and packing , which were obtained by a modern freeze-drying technology using fresh egg and vegetable as the main starting materials .

  9. 研究了料水比、熬制温度和熬制时间对常压熬制和高压熬制的鱼骨汤营养和风味的影响并对熬制工艺进行了优化。

    The effect of solid-liquid ratio , cooking temperature and time on the nutrition and flavor of the boiled and autoclaved fish soup were investigated .