
  • 网络cutting;sever
  1. 数控机床切制弧齿锥齿轮的工艺方法

    Process Methods of cutting Arc-tooth Bevel Gear by NC Machine Tool

  2. 滚刀切制蜗轮过渡曲面

    Research on cutting transition surface of the wormgear by hob

  3. 方法:成年男性右髋部标本5例(新鲜3,常规固定2),先以解剖骨性标志画线,1例先作髋部冠状位MRI扫描,所有标本冻硬后,切制髋部冠状断层标本。

    Methods : 5 right hip of male adults cadavers ( 3 fresh , 2 fixed ) were used . 1 case was examined by MR imaging in advance , and then all specimens were frozen and cut into coronal sections .

  4. 取出WGA-HRP注射区,脊髓颈段和延髓,切制连续冠状冰冻切片(厚40μm)。

    The cervical spinal cord , medulla oblongata and WGA-HRP injecting area were cut into coronal sections at 40 μ m thickness on a freezing microtome .

  5. 等高弧齿锥齿轮副是用平面齿轮原理在奥利康(Oerlikon)铣齿机上切制的。

    The spiral bevel gear pair with equal-addendum is cutted by the Oerlikon miller on the theory of plane gear .

  6. 结论:大黄类饮片切制的适宜条件为薄片或中片,60℃干燥10.5h。

    Conclusion : That the crude drug cut into thin or medium pieces and dried at 60 ℃ for 10.5 h is the appropriate condition for rhubarb processing .

  7. 不同切制条件对大黄饮片中蒽醌化合物含量的影响

    Contents of Anthraquinone in Processed Rhubarbs Obtained under Different Processing Conditions

  8. 解决地质剖面中自动切制断层的难题。

    Nodi in automatic locating of fault on geologic sections .

  9. 对经济利益无切制的追求。

    4th , incontinent to make to the economic benefits of pursue .

  10. 不同几何形态与物理特性的农产品切制加工工艺技术初探

    Cut processing technology for agricultural products with different geometric shapes and physical properties

  11. 切制锥齿轮传动的小齿轮时机床啮合参数的确定

    Determination of Meshing Parameter of Pinion Machine Tool in Cutting Bevel Gear Transmission

  12. 采用单圆弧滚刀切制行星轮齿的分析与研究

    Theoretical analysis and experimental study of planet gear cutting by single Novikov gear hob

  13. 杉木无性系插穗切制方式和采穗部位对生根的影响

    Effects upon Rooting Ability of Preparing Ways and Cutting Positions on Ortets in Chinese Fir

  14. 黄芩切制工艺的研究

    Study on Preparing Process for Radix Scutellariae

  15. 高阶段厚矿体辅助剖面的切制

    Cutting and Preparation of the Auxiliary Sections of Thick Ore Body in High Bench Mining

  16. 板蓝根切制工艺的优选及切制前后指纹图谱的变化研究

    Optimizing cutting process of Radix Isatidis and comparing difference of fingerprints before and after cutting

  17. 切制采煤机磨前齿轮固定安装突起滚刀寿命试验研究

    Life Testing Research of Fixed Installation Protruding Hob to Cut Milling Front Gear of Excavating Coal Machine

  18. 以不同角度刀具切制杨木刨片,并制成大片刨花板,对刨片的流变和强度性能及刨花板性能进行了测定和研究。

    Poplar wood was cut into flakes with which flakeboards then were made and board properties were determined .

  19. 这类机器提供连续的分度并且能切制以前用一系列刀具才能完成的轮齿齿形。

    Such machines provide continuous indexing and generate the gear tooth surface as the envelope to the family of tool surfaces .

  20. 在该方法中,将齿面切制时的线共轭条件转化为约束极值问题,据此获得被切齿面的数值模型;

    In this paper , the authors work out a digital simulation method for tooth cutting and meshing of spiral bevel gears .

  21. 实践表明,用这种方法加工的铣刀可切制纯滚动齿轮的齿形,用于生产加工时,应把螺旋角视为标准参数。

    Practice shows that the milling cutter made by this method can be used for machining the tooth form of the single rolling gear .

  22. 使用激光捕获显微切制法对黑色素患者及其配偶的黑素细胞痣CDKN2A/p16INK4a突变的研究

    A search for CDKN2A / p16INK4a mutations in melanocytic nevi from patients with melanoma and spouse controls by use of laser-captured microdissection Chip Laser

  23. 此外根据市场及出口的不同需求,白芍在产地加工时,也可趁鲜切制。

    In addition , according to the market and export requirement , fresh-cut system can also be used for origin processing of Paeonia lactiflora .

  24. 国内文献及有关书籍中有的只对齿条刀具切制这一特殊情况进行了证明,而用齿轮刀具切制的普遍情况的证明是不严密的。

    Some domestic textbooks only give proofs under special condition of rack cutters and proofs under general condition of gear cutter are not strict enough .

  25. 方法随机选取三批丹参原药材采用不同切制方法进行处理,利用高效液相色谱法测定其含量。

    Method Select three groups of original SM , then cutting then in different ways , finally measure its content by the high power liquid chromatography .

  26. 以不同前角刨刀切制两种杨木和柞木刨片,根据参数分离法,对其流变性能进行了测定和研究。

    Rheological properties of the flakes of poplar and oak woods cut with knives of various rake angles were studied by applying the method of parameter separation .

  27. 本文分析了用平顶齿轮原理切制弧齿锥齿轮时,对齿轮啮合质量有着直接影响的齿面接触斑点误差产生的原因,并提出了修正方法,以利于弧齿锥齿轮的设计计算。

    In this essay , the author discusses the causes affecting connecting spot errors which directly influence the quality of the gear tooth engagement . Besides , a correcting method is offered .

  28. 通过数学推导,证明了该刀具在切削工况下符合齿轮啮合原理,可切制出满足设计要求的齿轮。

    With the mathematic derivation it is proved that the cutter meets the specification of the gear meshing under the cutting condition and can correctly shape gears that can meet the design requirement .

  29. 改革工艺为鲜蔬菜机械分级、清洗、消毒、机械切制、太阳能脱水、机械拌盐腌渍或初腌、复腌,真空渗酱法酱制,真空包装、灌装等。

    The improved techniques included fresh vegetable classification by machine , disinfection , sterilization , cutting by machine , solar dehydration , mechanical addition of salt , preliminary pickling , secondary pickling , vacuum pickling , vacuum package and bottling .

  30. 本文一方面从采条部位、切制方式、生根处理、扦插基质及光照条件五个方面对比利时杜鹃的扦插繁殖技术进行了深入的研究;

    On one hand , the text made a thorough study on the effects of different sources of cuttings , different cutting ways , different treats for rooting , different cutting media and illumination time condition on Belgian azaleas ' cutting propagation .