
  • 网络bittern making
  1. 介绍了运城盐湖制卤旧工艺的弊端,提出了强制溶解循环制卤新工艺,研究了新工艺中的溶解道、卤水温度、卤水浓度及流速的影响。

    This paper introduces the abuses of old technic in bittern making and puts forward the new technic of compulsory dissolving and circulating system . The dissolving tunnel , the temperature and the concentration of bittern liquid and the influence of velocity of flow are studied .

  2. 运城盐湖强制溶解循环制卤工艺的研究

    Study on Compulsory Dissolving and Circulating System of Bittern Making with Yuncheng Salt Lake

  3. 与旧工艺相比具有工艺简单、操作方便、制卤期短和成本较低等特点。

    Compared to the old way , the new method is simple , time saving and low cost technic and easy to operate .

  4. 盐田制卤区改建对虾养殖池,进行大面积养虾和小面积精养高产试验,取得了良好的试验结果和明显的经济效益。

    The experiments of P. orientalis culture in large and small scale have been carried out and have got a satisfactory result and an obviously economic benefit .

  5. 由卤代芳硝基物制备卤代芳胺的综述催化加氢合成3,4-二氯苯胺工艺研究

    Methods for Manufacture Halogenated Aromatic Amine by Reduction of Halogenated Aromatic Nitro-group Compounds A Study on the Preparation of Halogenated Aromatic Amines by Catalystic Hydrogenation

  6. 本文综述了由卤代芳硝基物还原制备卤代芳胺的三种方法,并对几种还原方法的优缺点进行了对比和讨论,得出水合肼还原具有很好的应用前景。

    This article reviews three kinds of methods for manufacture halogenated aromatic amine , and the strong and weak points of the three reduction methods are pointed out .

  7. 环戊烯与氢卤素加成反应制备卤代环戊烷,工艺流程简单,原料经济,收率高,易实现工业化。

    Preparing cyclopentane halide by the addition reaction of cyclopentene with hydrogen halide is a simplified process with a high yield and can be used in a large scale .

  8. 静电纺丝法是连续生产纳米纤维的重要方法,应用静电纺丝技术制备卤胺类抗菌纳米纤维能够充分利用纳米纤维的高比表面积来增大抗菌剂和细菌的接触面积,从而大大提高纤维的抗菌性能。

    Electro-spinning is an important technique to prepare continuous nanofibers . The antimicrobial activity of the nanofibers produced by electro-spinning technique will be greatly improved due to the large surface area of nanofibers .

  9. 采用不同类型和不同用量的无卤阻燃剂与高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HIPS)熔融混合,制得无卤阻燃HIPS。

    When the HIPS is blended and melted with different kinds and amount of non-halogen flame retardant , the non-halogen inflaming retarding HIPS is to be manufactured .

  10. 以乙烯醋酸乙烯酯(EVA)改性低密度聚乙烯(LDPE),添加无卤阻燃剂氢氧化镁,采用高温混炼、化学交联、模压一步法来制备无卤阻燃改性PE泡沫塑料。

    Using chemical crosslinking technology and one step compression molding process , the foaming technique of halogen free flame retardant low density polyethylene ( LDPE ) modified by ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer ( EVA ) was studied .

  11. 电弧炉烟尘球团焙烧-洗涤脱卤制备低卤含量氧化锌的试验研究

    Experiment Study on Producing Zinc Oxide with Low Halogens Content by Pellet Roasting-Washing Process from EAF Dust

  12. 在硅烷交联聚乙烯体系中,添加氢氧化镁阻燃剂制备无卤阻燃的硅烷交联聚乙烯。

    Mg ( OH ) 2 , as a no halogen flame retardant , has been added into silane crosslinked polyethylene ( SPE ) .

  13. 用MFP固化FD和ED制得了新型无卤阻燃的环氧树脂。

    The novel halogen-free flame retardant epoxy thermosets were prepared with MFP / FD and MFP / ED , respectively .

  14. 用磷酸与三聚氰胺反应制备了无卤阻燃剂磷酸蜜胺盐(MPP),并将其作为插层剂用以制备磷酸蜜胺盐-蒙脱土(MPM)。

    Halogen-free flame retardant melamine polyphosphate ( MPP ) was synthesized by the reaction of phosphoric acid with melamine , and used as intercalation agent to the synthesis of melamine polyphosphate-montmorillonite ( MPM ) .

  15. 采用红磷母粒及适当的添加剂制备了无卤阻燃玻纤增强尼龙66材料。

    Halogen free flame-retardant glass fibre reinforced nylon 66 ( PA66 ) was prepared by adding red phosphor masterbatch and some other suitable additives .

  16. 膨胀阻燃体系及无机阻燃剂,填料来源广泛、便宜易得,与基料复合性能好,具有较好的阻燃性能;水性防火涂料的制备及无卤阻燃剂的使用符合环保要求。

    The expansion system and inorganic flame retardants , fillers have variety of sources , easy to get , and had a good performance with the base material ; waterborne coatings and halogen-free fire retardants used in compliance with environmental requirements .